
25 October 2012

14 Months

Happy Thursday everyone. I am sure most of you are now in the mood of holiday as tomorrow is a public holiday. Some might have a half day leave today. Yes, tomorrow is a public holiday in conjunction with Raya Haji. So, I want to take this chance to wish Selamat Hari Raya Haji to all Muslim around the world.

Well today is our little Gabriel special day. He turns 14th months old today. Time really flies. I can't imagine I have been a mother to him for 14th months now. I thanked GOD. He gave me this priceless opportunity to become a mother. Indeed it was such a great experience especially in taking care of our little boy for full time. I guess all SAHMs out there would agreed with me. :)

14th Months Old Gabriel attempting to walk on his own. He really like to explore things around him. Nevertheless, he'll only walk while he's in good mood. If he didn't feels lazy that day, he'll walk around. LOL ni budak mau ikut mood jg kalau mau berjalan.

A lot of progress. He really knows how to climb down from our bed. And one thing I know about him is he learns new things through observations. You don't have to talk to him and show him how to do some kind of thing. This little boy will copy what you've done, and let if he really want to do that thing too. 

He really fast in catching things. And once he learns and knows new thing, he'll able to do that over and over again. For example he climb down from the bed for the 1st time, the next second you'll see he will do that over and over again.. Oh pening kepala..

He likes to shout too. As if he wants to examine his voices tone. He will shout with different kind of tone, with high and low keys. Wahh..mcm kelas vocal pula..haha.. He once shouted near to my right ear, i feel like I'll turn to deaf forever.

He is so into me too. Terlampau manja. I can't even go to bathroom. He will shouts calling for me. I guess it is because I'm the one who take care of him right from newborn. He really uses to see me only. He will be with his daddy only at night and weekends.

His hands got a strong grip too. Once he grips a thing, it's hard for him to let go. He knows how to pinch too. He always pinch my hand, face especially nose..ha ha..

Our little boy is growing everyday. Learning everyday. I am so grateful to see him growing. I feel blessed. God has granted us the most worthy gift ever.

'Happy 14th months old dear mummy's sweetheart. Long way to go boy. God bless you in every step journey of your life.. "

That's it for now. Have a great Thursday and Happy Holiday :)


  1. Okay mommy, wait for my next move. :)

    Ko tunggu time dia pandai 'shopping', normally aged 4 mula suda pandai pilih2 barang dia mau bili di shopping mall haha!

    Enjoy the motherhood.

    1. Haha.. Abis la kami nanti klu dia pandai shopping suda

  2. Nda lama lg belari sdh stel.. hehehe.. Bila sdh basar sikit pandai pilih mainan pula. c rayyan pandai pilih mainan mahal kalau yg murah2 punya dia nda mau! haizzz..

    1. Matai .. Kalau mau yg mahal seja, bangkrap daddy dia haha

  3. Wah...time flies ya. Happy birthday little man.

  4. Waa...14 bulan sdh..means 1 tahun sdh lah kan...cepat oo kan dia membesar.. Steady sdh dia berjalan..? Ada budak..lmbt berjalan kan...hmm..

    1. 1 tahun 2 bulan. Pandai jln tp blm brp stable.. :)
      Cepat kan..

  5. Aww.. mau jadi artist bah dia ni.. hehe :)

  6. Hi Stella, how you doin'? You got a cute boy there....and big for his age too.
    Ok, now he's 14, time to get him a brother or sister.....ha ha.
    Have a great weekend and happy holidays.
    Keep a song in your heart.

  7. Happy monthsary lil Gabriel! ;)

  8. Shouting and screaming is meamng diorang punya activity now sebab mau stretch their vocal cords my LO also doing it every now and then and yes, matai telinga sia hehehe. Once he starts to walk he will walk and walk and walk tuh and after that tidak mau kena pigang and sanalah bikin penat mau jaga coz kalau mau pigang dia takut jatuh dia teriak tuh haiyooh...but all in all, it's a great experience for both parents and child :)

    1. Yup! indeed it's a great experience. Every parent will experience this type of moment. So, it's normal kan :D

  9. alolo... buli bejalan suda gia anak ko tu stella

  10. waaa he can walk already!! x lama lagi boleh lari suda..hehehe.. ^^

    1. Betul tu aemy. Habis la kami berkejar-kejaran haha
