
23 October 2012

No Bake Chocolate Cheesecake

This is my 3rd cake. I decided to make a chocolate cheesecake after my 2nd cake which is plain cheesecake.

It's very easy though. There is no oven required. You just chill it in your fridge. This is my 1st time to make a chocolate cheesecake. Fortunately it turn out nice.

I got the recipe from HERE.

Go and visit the link above to get the recipe ok.. ;)

Here are the pictures of preparation of my chocolate cheesecake. ;)

I used Marie Crackers for the crust. 
You have to crush the crackers until they become as sand textures, as above picture.

Mix the crushed crackers with melted butter and press into a pan. Chill the crust for 2 hours.

Meanwhile, whip the whipping cream and add with cocoa powder and melted chocolate.

The mixture of whipping cream, cocoa powder and melted chocolate. Set aside.

Beat the cream cheese and then add with sugar. At this point you can fold in the whip cream mixture into this cream cheese.

Put the mixtures altogether on the chilled crust which you have made earlier and chill it again for 4 hours. For me, I put in refrigerator until the next morning. :)

Tadaa! Here is the Chocolate Cheesecake.

 Turn out nice but not that perfect. Maybe this is good enough for a beginner like me. :P

I used normal pan for this. Suppose springform pan is the best pan for cheesecake. I didn't manage to buy springform pan the time I made this chocolate cheesecake. 

I did bought a springform pan on last Sunday and now still hunting for a new oven. I really don't have ideas what is the best brand and the best criteria for an oven. Maybe some of you could enlighten me about this oven thing. :)

Try this recipe. It's very easy. I'm sure you'll like it. My husband really love the taste. For the time being he is the one who do the critics of my cake. 

Well, I have to get an honest feedback from him. And thanks to him, he's being honest so far. He always slide in some encouragement and positive advices though. :)

Ok, that's it for now. Have a blessed week ahead. 


  1. Yumssss. Rajinnya. Klu lamalama sudah kahwin maybe baru sy rajinrajin begini bikin kek. Skrg stakat masakmasak lunch dinner seja.
    Anyway suda sy reply komen kau d blog sy

    1. Cinoi, once ko start bake a cake, ko mau bake lg tu hehe

  2. Nyummy..even beginner mnjd jgk..hihi..
    Nmpk sng bha ni tp mcm sa kurang pndai kurang konfiden mau buat ni..ahaha..

    1. Saya mula2 pun tidak confident tu echa, nervous berabis haha..tapi once suda buat kan terus addicted ba hehe. I tend to make it more perfect everytime i make it again..

  3. Sa pun mau cuba la bi hehee..dulu semangat baru beli oven but used it few times then busyness comes along lagi. Nak sekarang berhabuk sdh. Sa pun mo cuba ko pnya kek oven..nanti the next weekend sa buat hahahaa..

    1. Ok, jgn lupa blog it out aa. Oh ko ada oven pula.. bagus la.. :)

  4. sa mau tunggu ni mood sa datang buat ini kek..sedap o nanti kalau sa mau buat suda sa refer balik ni resipi ah

  5. Looks like cake from Secret Recipe. Hahaha.. Not bad what! At least for a beginner like you. I did chocolate cake before but failed. =(

    1. Oh really? Thank you ha ha.. Maybe u can try this recipe, i bet it must be a success :)

  6. pandai & rajin ko buat kek beaty hehe.. tidak rugi kawin sama kau kan :)

    1. Adui.. Ayat tu ba hehehe.. X rugi kawin lg tu..haha.. Beaty yg dpt credit haha

  7. makan coklat yg banyak ni yang selalu lekat kat lelangit.
