
22 October 2012

New Dress *Happy Mode*

I received my new dress on Saturday. I'm so happy that it fits me well.

I seldom buy online dresses. I guess this would be the 1st time for year 2012. I bought it from the Curves Boutiques.:)

Here is the dress with 4 types of color. I actually wanted the purple color. Since it's out of stock, I chooses the dull pink.

I insist to asked my husband to buy for me a measuring tape. This dress comes with sizes S, M and L. And each size comes with measurements of bust, waist and the length of the dress.

Hubby said, ' Tidak apa la bah tu. Beli saja size S'. 

I was like, 'I am that slim kah??'.. Haha.. Nevertheless, I took his advice, i bought S size. 

Luckily, the dress fits me well. Ada certain area yg sya mau kasi kurus lg lah.. Doi, ni la kan tidak pandai puas hati LOL.

Me in that new dull pink dress. Quite unsatisfied with the color, but hey it looks just nice isn't it :)

I posted this pic of me on Instagram yesterday. Most of friends stated that I'm look good in that dress. Thank you so much for the compliments especially to CheguCarol, she always lead me to positive thinking, I mean we as a women should feel good about ourself. Betul kan CheguCarol?..hehe

Okay, that's it for today. Thanks for dropping by.

Have a Great Monday ahead. :)


  1. Tapi ko memang kurus bh..senang beli baju hehe. Sa pun kira2 mo beli online ni cuma takut tidak fit hehe. Curves Boutique sama tu Just Sense Boutique ka tu..lawa2 tu dress..hehe. By the way, cantik tu dress...

    1. Adui, itu angle sama berabis kasi kimpis perut yg membantu haha.. Yg penting sihat bah kan Alv. Ya, lawa2 bah baju dorang..trus mcm mau beli lg ni..hehe

    2. Sa bru kasih deactivate sa pnya FB coz mo balik blogging bh kunun. Tapi bila nmpk ni baju..mcm sa mo pi mask FB balik..mau cari tu baju wahahahaa....

      Sa mo tnya (sbb sdh lama x blogging) cmana bh mo turn tu comment section mcm ko pnya ni..yg blh p reply2 hehehee...

    3. Bah Alv, tpksa ko kasi active balik FB ko haha. Actually ni curves boutique ni kan ada kedai dia d 1B, tp kalau beli online lg murah :)

      Oh pasal comment setting ni, sya lupa suda oh..lama suda. Cuba ko goggle mcm mana cara dia..

  2. Stel, sia suka betul yg purple tu lgpun mmg tgh cari sumthing purple for a wedding reception in feb nx yr.. and mmg sia suka stail dress mcm ni.. tp kalau sia, sia bili M. heheeh.. U look really good with the dress stel!

    1. Nah kan, sya pun mo purple tu, tp habis stock uhuhu..
      Thanks Just! Sepa kawin next year?..hehe

    2. kazen sia ba.. kawin d bfort. :)
      tp after some thought, sia minta c cath tailor. sdh jumpa design tp blm cari kain. heheh..

    3. Wah siok oh Just, boleh custom made. Selalu brp si Cath charge? Ko p jumpa dia ka mau ukur badan?

    4. baru 2x ba sia minta jahit dia tu pun baju kurung, so sia just pos kain & sampel. pandai la dia agak tu ukuran. anything, kami ber BBM ja kalau ada ukuran dia minta. siap dia lukis d rite area mau kena ukur. hahaha.. but since sia bakal jd regular customer dia, so dia advise sia p rmh dia buat sukat-menyukat. nnt kalau jadi la sia blog out. hehehe..

    5. Oh gitu pula..nah bakal jd regular customer si cath la ko ni.. Bagus jg oh.. Ada kwn yg pandai jahit baju. Siok oh :) ba jgn lupa blog it out later k :)

  3. wah stelle punya cantik ni dress..ngam sama ko

  4. Wow, moi. Sexy ramping ko ni. Sa tidak mcm ko owh hehehe! And pewittt, the dress is perfect for you. Lastly, sa jeles sekarang ni :P

    1. Punya kurus ko tu Wyne. Kalau ko pakai ni baju sya rasa lg slim, sbb ko tu kan tinggi ..lawa tu :)
      Jgn jeles, beli lah dress d curves boutique, lawa2 baju dia :)

  5. Nice pick! I love the colour. It looks so good on you..

    I also bought two dresses from the boutique. But I'm buying direct from the shop lah hehe.. Try langsung beli :D

    1. Thanks Annie :)
      Ya, mcm sya teda masa ba mo p tingu2 d kedai, lgpun online lebih murah sikit kan.. :)

  6. The dress looks good on you. How come u said u want kurus lagi?? You are so slim, you'll look good in anything!

    1. Alviana, susah ba kalau pear-shaped ni. Susah mo beli seluar, susah mo cari size..

      By the way, thanks for stopping by :)

  7. seriusly cantik and fit u well bha..
    sa pun mau tp sa nda pdn pakai ladies punya baju..haha..kolot ni..

    1. Echa, try ba satu kali pakai dress. Lawa tu, ko lg tu petite kan :)

  8. jarang sangat beli barang online, alau mau beli terus pigi kedai.. nasib baik ngam juga kan stella :)

  9. Pweittt..Santik tu dress mcm org dia juga. Ngam oo sama ko kan...heheh..


  10. Hi girl, you look so cute, what a lovely dress. The maroon colour pun cantik kan.

    1. ya aunty, actually sya mau tu maroon tu tp teda stock..

  11. Let's lead each other to think positively, aye? Like i said, you look good..even in those pair of jeans which u said u were not. Confidence is best tested when you have flaunted it hehehe
