
27 September 2012

My New Passion

I didn't know a status on Facebook would creates a new passion in me.

It was really the first time ever I do this. I never do it for the whole of my life so far.

I was nervous the first time i do it. 

And what is my new passion about?.. Well, it's about BAKING. Interesting topic isn't it?.. Of course it should be interesting topic when it comes about FOOD, DESSERT or EATING.. haha.. 

LOL, i guess i broke the rules of my daily diet. But never mind. This new passion seems very strong. I tend to explore more about baking. Oh my dear hub, please buy me new oven and electric mixer. hehe..(okay, that's a hint.. :P) Mau jadi tegap suda tangan saya mau mix itu cream cheese hahaha..

Actually I had mentioned to hubby that I really want to learn to make dessert because I am a dessert lover. I was thinking to make my own dessert rather than just buy it at shop. That was long time ago.

Oh my.. my dear little boy wake up from his morning nap now. I have to stop here. Will continue to write about baking in my next post.

Have a great week ahead.


  1. I think its a hidden talent with all moms :) I love baking too :))

  2. Saya pun minat buat cake..sebab lagi senang banding buat biskut...tapi selalu hubby kasi ketawa sebab kami dua orang ja dalam rumah...bukan kuat makan juga.. 'siapa mau kasi habis?' dia tanya. Baru2 ni dia mau kasi beli oven...tapi sempat lagi dia tanya 'mau oven atau dvd criminal minds 6 & 7..saya trus pilih dvd...lain kali saja lah itu oven..hihihih
