
08 August 2012

I am so worried :(

Hello dear friends.. How is your weekdays? I hope all is fine. My weekdays so far so good.

As i mention in my previous post, we ( hubby and i) will be leaving on a jet plane soon. Yes, we will leave this coming Sunday evening.

My heart can't hardly wait for the vacation but deep inside my heart really worried. I don't know what to say. I couldn't say to cancel this vacation to dear hubby as he himself excited for this trip. I admit i am excited, but my motherly insticnt really put me in dilemma.

Gabriel really so into me. He really can't stay far away from me. My heart aches everytime he cries to see me far from him. But i stay in positive and let he learn no too 'manja' with me.

This week started from last Monday, i stayed with my parents. Thinking of to let Gabriel to get use with his grandma and grandpa. I guess he have been in Kudat for a long time, that is why he really not use to see my parents and he will cry aloud whenever my mother or father carrying him. Oh poor Gabriel, how could I leave him in that situation. I was worried till i don't have ideas what to do anymore.

Hubby said, that is why we let him stay with my parents so that he will slowly adapt with the environment and get use to my parents as well. We've been here since Monday, and i observe he is starting to get use slowly. But i am still worried.. I don't know. Maybe that's because i never leave him for a such long period. For an info, we will be on vacation for about 5 days.

Dear parents out there, i am sure you had such experience. Please share how you overcome the problem. I need your help. Your opinion might make me feel ease, and solve this matter. Sharing is caring. :)

Thank you for reading my humble post. See you again in my next post. Perhaps i will write about my vacation.. :)


  1. Hi Stella, i trully understand how you, even I have mixed feeling the uneasy feeling wondering what will our baby feel when we are not around for that long period. this would be my 2nd time leaving my daughter at home. The first time was last year for 3Days2Night, to tell you the truth I was worried at first, i keep back and forward wanting to cancel joining the company trip, eventually i went and i was suprise it felt good to be away for awhile ( ease the stress) and i keep calling home to see how she is doing and she doing just fine.
    And now again leaving her even longer 7days/6nights, :(, don't worry its part of our motherly instinct to feel this way. I am sure your parents will be great with him, don't worry, as other mother told me before you need to let it go, it will make us stronger :).

    1. Thanks Antonia for the sharing. Yes, i have to... I hv to let this feeling go.. Surely all must be alright isn't it.. Thank you so much

  2. I grew up with my single mother... and during my childhood years, I was raised by my grandparents... and there was a brief moment that a maid took care of me and my bro.

    From my experience, (padahal masi baby and budak ba time tu) ngam juga tu your hubby said so Gabriel can get used to being with his grandparents. In the future, ada juga time tu that they have to take care of your little one when you're busy or something :)

    1. Definitely. Dulu sa time kici pun maid and grandparents jg yg jaga.. Betul jg ckp ko tu Arms. Thanks..

  3. No worries moi. This is one of the way Gabriel learn to be 'independent' and at the same time, this is an opportunity for him to get closer with your mom and dad. I know it's hard for you and Gabriel but I believe Gabriel will experience new good things while staying with his grandparents.

    BTW don't forget to leave your 'used' baju or tshirt. Urang tua2 bilang kalu ada tu bau mommy pun cukup suda kasi ilang rindu. I used to do that too and it works! ;)

    1. Ya, definitely this is new for both us. Oh betul tu, my mom said kasi tinggal baju sya for gabriel.. Thanks wyne.. Now i feel a bit ease.. Kata2 semangat from friends mmg the best ;)

  4. Agree! Don't worry to much k. As long as Gabriel is in good hand rather than sending him to nursery to elsewhere. Kalau nangis mencari tu biasa la, but I believe ur parent knows how to pujuk him. Penat menangis, berenti la dia nangis tu. :)

    1. Ya lah, betul juga. He is with my parents, not anyone else. Bukan org lain jg kan.. Sya harap dia berenti menangis lah. Tu la yg plg sya harap..

  5. jangan risau stelle.. selagi tu baby, parents ko yg jaga.. bukan orang lain.. hihi.. mula2 mayb baby ko memang pandai merasa "ketiadaan" ko.. tapi lama2 ok ba tu.. pandai la parents ko.. dorang lebih byk mkn garam dr kita.. (ngam ka tu ayat sy.. hihi)

    bercuti la dengan tenang..

    lagi pesan orang tua2.. kalau kita p tempat jauh2 jangan dirindu/dikenang tu baby.. tu baby pandai merasa tu.. ;)

    1. I will try my best to relax my heart and mind. Thanks nowriz..

  6. Biasalah tu kan kalau da jadi mama ni. Sia pun mcm tu kalau leaving my girls even for a nite. Kalau few days, sometime pandai jga sia kluar air mata terkenang anak di jauh hehe....
    Quite agree with Mouren about the "used" shirt. My kici one, when hubby and I left for Bangkok last month, wore my shirt everytime she misses me. Kesian but it may be useful. But Gabriel is still small, hopefully he can cope. Bah, happy holiday kio :)

    1. Edith, he have to cope with it. No choice. I think 5 days is a bit long . I'm worried, but i hope the best for him...

  7. Hi Stella, you go have fun. Yes, kids will miss mom, but he'll look forward to the presents you'll be buying for him....
    I'm sure he'll be in good hands and after a day or two will have fun too.
    Have a safe flight and Godspeed.

    1. yes, will buy a present for my son :)
      Thanks for visiting here ..
      GOD bless

  8. Haii..kudat sblah mana ko tinggal? urang kudat jg sa ni hehe...salam pkenalan

    1. Hi elih, ko org kudat pula. Sya ni org kk but hubby sya keja d kudat. Kami tinggal d sana kuarters KKIA kudat :)
