
03 August 2012

It's August and I Broke Into Tears..

Hello dear friends,
We were on our 3rd day in August and it's Friday. Yes, weekend is on the way. So what is your planning for weekend?.. I am sure most of you really like Friday cause it's the beginning to weekend isn't it?..hehe..

Well, for us (the 3 of us), will be on our way to KK today. Most probably will head to KK by 2 pm. Yeay!.. after about more than 3 weeks in Kudat, feels like missing KK so much.Hubby's ex-colleague will celebrating his big day tomorrow in KK, so that's the reason we go back to our hometown today. :)

So, what is happening on August?.. Actually I've been waiting for August. Gabriel will turn 1 year old on the 25th. And did i mention that my father in-law birthday also is on August?..yes, it's on the 9th. hehe..

We're planning to do Gabriel's birthday celebration. Not that really a fancy one. Only a simple and humble celebration. The venue is still in discussion. The date would be on the 26th August, at about 1pm. You're invited. Please leave a comment in the comment box if you could make it. :)

And oh ya, hubby and I will leave on a jet plane in 1 week time. It's a vacation! yeay! Can't wait.. :) So, i will update you more on that matter soon. :D

By looking at the title at this post, you must be wondering what was the 'broke into tears' all about.  Here's the story. 

It was right before August, Gabriel called me ' Mama..Mama!' with a loud and clear voice for the FIRST TIME. I was shocked. Surprisingly, he could say Mama with that convincing and clear voice at 11 months old. For an info, he sometimes say words seem like 'Mama" too but not that clear. Without i realized, my tears dropped. I broke into tears. It's a lot of tears! huh.. What an emotional moment. And a memorable one.. :)

He was calling me to asked me to carry him. With that begging face and open arms... Maybe that's the reason I broke into tears too. I was really touched, followed by his calling me 'Mama..' , that's the greatest feeling ever for a 1st time mother like me. Indeed i'm a proud mother.. :P

 With the apple of my eyes :D

Okay, that's it for now. 
Have a great Friday.. ;)


  1. So touched to hear this...and now I can't wait to have my own...don't ask memang am keep trying esp this month lol!!! Waaa, syok jalan2 oh...and happy friday to you too :)

    1. Wah good luck vera.. Mesti dpt tu klu ada usaha :)

  2. That's so beautiful! Your post reminds me of the first time my kid called me "mummy" too. Enjoy motherhood, my dear!

    1. Indeed. Every mother should experience the same isn't it..

  3. touching...mesti best kan moi..
    enjoy ur vacation kio :)
    Happy weekend.

    1. Ya, mmg touching.. Ya best ba..hehe
      Thanks! Nnti sya blog it out :)

  4. Unduiiii... Awal la c gabriel ko ni becakap stel!! Nda lama lg buli tmbh adik! Hehehe..

  5. im happy for u... comel si gabriel.. selamat cuti-cuti malaysia.. hihihi ;)

  6. Hi Stella

    aduiii so cute si baby Gabriel. Ya it is so touching kan especially when they call you for the first time with that innocent look and you realise - gosh that's my baby calling me.

    have a lovely day girl, and a kiss for baby.
    Aunty A

    1. Indeed.. :) because 1st time mom like me would fine it very sweet and touching..

  7. Hi stell, jalan2 saja ko ooo kan....siok ooo...and yes, sgt happy kan bila ur baby pandai sdh sebut mama....:)

  8. The joy of being a mother :), yeah cuti-cuti Malaysia kita see u there!!

  9. I understood how you felt, moi! :D The tears already explained everything.. Hee!

  10. May God blessed you :) Good day ahead ^^

  11. selamat bercuti-cuti..cute si gabriel

  12. sama dgn umur anak aku no.2..anak aku skg suda mo bediri sndri..skg nda ble tingu tmpt lain, pndai tiba2 ja bediri..

  13. That wonderful, congratulation. Be blessed always.

  14. Waaa congratulations! You are one very happy mama after kena panggil "mama" kan. Hehee. Happy for you, Stella ;)

    Happy Wednesday ya. Kirim salam sama si Gabriel.

    1. Thanks Arms.. Happy ba..klu ur turn nnti ur kids pgl daddy mesti ko gumbira tu hehe
