
30 July 2012

Gabriel's Playroom-continues

I wrote about Gabriel's playroom few days ago. Unfortunately I couldn't upload any photos on that post due to the bad internet line. You can read the post HERE.

How I wish to make a playroom just like the photos below. I Googled on how to decorate a playroom and here what I got. Please take a look a the photos below.

Really nice isn't it?.. I wish I could decorate and create a playroom for Gabriel just like all above. 

Well, I made a playroom for Gabriel. It is not as fancy as the photos above. It just a simple room. But I think it is still lack of decorations and cabinets for the toys. Perhaps I should add more toys?..

Here it is:-

Tada!! Just a simple room. Enough for Gabriel to crawl here and there. 

Maybe I should buy the one like a tunnel thing, because Gabriel likes to crawl under a chair and between his daddy's leg..haha! 

Okay that's it for now.

Thanks for visiting here. Any recommendation for the playroom?.. Leave a comment. ;)


  1. Suggestion... buy a thicker curtain. Macam menggigit o tu cahaya matahari. ;)

    And like I said before, suru dia buat cushion castle ba hehee.

    Happy Wednesday, Stella!

    1. betul juga ckp ko kan..kasi thick lg tu curtain..Thanks!
      Belum lg dia pandai jalan. nanti klu pandai jalan baru sya kasi dia cushion haha

    2. Hahaaa ko sure ka mo bagi dia tu cushion ko. Dulu sia sama adik sia selalu kena marah ni time keci. Apa nda, semua tu kerusi hilang sofa dia. Wakakaa.

      Jan kasi salah sia kalo dia bawa semua sofa / cushion ko masuk playroom... hehee.

    3. hahaha..Arms, okay ba.. hahaha... tpksa la sya cari ko nanti kalau dia bawa semua tu cushion haha! :P

  2. wah cantik .. lama x lawat ko oo stella

  3. toys pertama yg kasi beli si danial tu lego besar2.. umur dia 2 tahun lebih baru dia pandai main tu lego.. tahan lasak tu lego sampai sekarang umur dia 3 tahun masih lg dia main tu lego.. hihihi..

    stelle.. suggestion kasi beli dia raga/bakul tempat sempat toys dia.. ko mesti mo train dia kemas toys dia sendiri.. hihihi

  4. Klu ada space di rumah ni, mo juga sa buat playroom utk dendy tp semua bilik sdh penuh...ruang tamu pula terhad ruang dia...huhu
