
30 July 2012

My Baby's Cutest Pose Contest

The MumCentre Malaysia Facebook Page is conducting 'My Baby's Cutest Pose' Contest. 
I sent a photo of Gabriel to join this contest.

Here is Gabriel's photo:-

Isn't he cute?.. :)

Entries are not solely based on votes/threads alone. The winning photo will be judged with the following criteria:
Pose and Cuteness- 50%
Likes/Shares/Threads to entries- 50%.

 Closing date is August 1, 2012.

 So, will you do me a favor to vote Gabriel's photo?.. 
You just click this LINK and vote for Gabriel's photo by clicking 'like' on his photo. 
And by the way, you must log in to your Facebook account first before you do so.

Thanks! :D
 GOD bless. Have a blessed week ahead.