
13 August 2012

Touchdown at LCCT

Here i am, updating this blog from Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT), Sepang. Touchdown here at about 10.30pm (12/8/2012). 

Fly from KK at about 8.30pm. The flight from KK should be at 8pm, but delayed for about 30mins.

It's hard to walked out from the house door. It's hard to say goodbye. I hold my tears while saying goodbye to Gabriel. Thank GOD, he didn't cry anymore when he saw me went out of the house. Before this, he was so into me. He can't separate with me for even a second. He will cry out aloud, and I will carry and hug him right away, because I couldn't bear to see him in that situation. But today is different. I guess GOD has answered my prayer. Things become easier when he's not crying anymore, although deep inside my heart it's hard to leave him behind.

Hoping that Gabriel will always fine while I am not there with him. My parents are taking care of him. My mother took 5 days off just to take care of Gabriel.

We'll be heading to Phuket in 5 hours time. Therefore, hubby and I spending our night here. I thought we were the only people who doing overnight here. There are a lot more peoples spending their night here. I guess their flight almost same like us too.

Ok, it's 2.20am. I'll end this post here.
 Will update more soon.

GOD bless.


  1. Then that must mean that you already in Phuket. Ba, take care sana yo. Hehee.

    Don't forget to take some pics of the beauty pageants there. Yg lelaki punya ya. Wakaka jk.

    Happy Monday, Stella!

  2. Wah. Phuket terus ah. Bukan alang-alang. Hehe. Bah, Happy Honeymoon-ing! ;)
