
10 December 2012

Relaxing Place..

A friend, Ms Beverley gave us a gift that I never think of. She was my classmate back in secondary school, but we're still keep in touch on and off, mostly in Facebook. Yes, everyone is busy with their own things, and would meet again on occasions like birthdays or weddings. She gave us a gift during my lil son, Gabriel 1st birthday celebration on last August.

As usual, everyone would give birthday presents to Gabriel, however, to my surprise this thoughtful friend of mine rather gave us a gift. I was touched the moment I read her small note on a little cute card.

 This is the small card. When I saw this i felt strange at first because it was Gabriel's birthday that time.

And then I felt so touched when I read this. Indeed she's very thoughtful :)

Thanks to her I get to pamper myself at this place. I haven't go to spa for a facial or even body massage since I gave birth to my son. (I didn't know hubby took this pic, macam mau tertidur suda bah masa ni shiokkk kena massage tu muka.. :P) This was about few weeks ago.

Oh so relaxing.. the staff even massaged my head.. :)

We (hubby and I)  managed to set a schedule to go for a face massage only after 3 months we received the gift. That is because we are now in KK, so that makes us to have a plenty of time to go for a pampering place like this. :D

About 2 weeks later, we returned to this place for back massage. No pic for back massage aa.. LOL. To be honest, I wasn't really please with the back massage. Punya sakitttt! Maybe because I was a first timer, according to the girl at the counter. Oh really?.. Begitu ka kalau 1st time kena urut?.. adeh.. I was thinking of not coming back there again for back massage. I would go for facial though..hehe

Okay, most of you must be thinking of where is this place. The place is actually at EPI TREATZ which is located at 1st Floor, 1Borneo Hypermall. :)

This relaxing place is really recommended. They actually focus more on skin health. And oh ya, they're providing manicure and pedicure service as well. The staffs are very friendly and services are good. Except for those who are not really use to back massage, I don't recommend you to do so..hehe. I said so because it's from my experience. No pressure, you can always give a try. :D

EPI TREATZ also can be found on GROUPON. They always run a promotion on groupon. You can check in there from time to time to know about their latest promotion. :)

Okay, that's it for now. I'll be a year older in 2 days. I wonder what is hubby's plan for this year..hehe:)

 Till then, have a great week ahead.


  1. so thoughtful of her kan.. anak buffday tp parent dpt gift. hehehe.. mcm ngam jg! hahahaha

    1. Ya, thanks to this thoughtful friend. Actually sy lupa suda pasal pampering myself ni Just. Sejak lahir si gabriel, teda lg pikir pasal diri sndiri. Asyik ingat keperluan anak saja.

  2. sioknya c beverley bagi kamu voucher urut badan.. sia suka tu.. u mentioned that u will b a year older in 2 days.. trus sia kira balik age sia.. sia ingat sia masi 30.. 31 sdh pula.. mcm x percaya.. sm bah umur kita kan.. sia p tolak lagi 2012-1981 mo kira betul2.. thanks God for everything!!!

  3. wah.. punya la siok.. he he sia mcm mau pigi.. preggers ble ka pigi ka tu ahh...

    1. Tidak di galakkan berurut tu beaty. Tapi kalau foot massage kali ok tu.. :)

  4. I really need foot massage sbb kaki sa lenguh ja...:)

  5. sa suda lama x pampering myself either in saloon or spa..muka pn lama sda x kna facial..rmbut pn lama sda x treatment..huhuhu..pnya ksian..nti gaji la ni bru mau mnta puji..klu di kudat x tmpt mau pampering dri sndri..hehe

    1. Sama lah wen. Ini lah 1st time ever ni after gave birth si gabriel. Thanks to my thoughtful friend for the gift. :)

  6. Epi Treatz, been there before, not going there again. Bought my voucher from groupon or mydeal I forgot already.. What I don't like is they pressure us to buy the packages they offer, suda la we said we are students and we will think about it tp memaksa nie.. huhu.. suda la sembarangan jak they massage (from my experience). They even said that what they gave us not the full treatment because it was just a voucher. totally disappointed!

    on a different note, but so thoughtful of your friend to give you that voucher :)

    1. Ya, dorang ada promote2 tu. Refuse saja dgn cara baik kalau tdk mau beli tu package dorang. Ok ba tu.. Ya mmg la kan kalau marketing ni nmpk seolah-olah dorang paksa. Biasa la kan mau jual barang dorang..hmm.. Bnyk juga gotu tu..mana2 tmpt pun ada jg gitu

  7. This reminds me to go for massage...that will be a week before Christmas! hehe...

    Wawawa..tunggu surprise dari hubby?

    1. Wah..siok tu kan Wyne. Before Christmas lg tu.. :)
      Saja2 ba tu..hihihi :p

  8. Hai Stella,
    Bertuahnya dapat kawan yang baik. Very special presents gift tu. Saya pula sudah lama plan mau pergi foot massage tapi tidak jadi-jadi. Congrats Stella & have a great day too..

    1. Kalau ada masa ba pigi la foot massagae :)
      Thanks :)

  9. Eee...siokya pi massage2 nie..Mmg sakit tu belakag kah klu 1st time kena urut...tapi best tu ka...Baiknya ur friend..:-)
