
02 November 2012


Yes, I'm tempted to bake cupcakes. (Oh my..baking is addicting!)
I really want to bake cupcakes today but hubby said wait until tomorrow, because if I bake cupcakes tomorrow I can bring them fresh from oven to my parent's house. 

Well, we're going to visit my parent tomorrow and I'm thinking of bringing something for them. Yes, I want to let them to have a taste of my cupcakes! hehe.. Hope they'll like it. It is more like practicing for the coming of Christmas Day.  

So, I hope I could manage time to bake cupcakes tomorrow. It would be chocolate cupcakes. Of course it'll be chocolate flavor because I love chocolate. I guess you'll see more and more chocolate flavour (recipes) from me..haha..

Okay, that's it for now. 
Take care.


  1. Nda lama lagi sa order lah tempat ko saja. hehe!

  2. great! i saw your pictures on instagram, they're all look yummy! wish i was there to taste your cakes ^^

    1. Thanks! I wish too.. :) I like to invite friends to taste my cake :)

  3. mau krismas suda oo kan.. buat banyak2 nanti jemput kami ar stella :)
