
01 November 2012

1st November, The All Souls Eve

It's 1st November. Time flies.
And I'm in Christmas Mood.. :) You know, it's 53 days to Christmas Day. :D

By the way, it's 10.34pm. Now I remember, it's All Souls Eve. Tomorrow is the feast of All Souls Day. By mentioning this, my heart turns into sadness out of sudden. Remembering those who were gone before us. My prayer with them.

I pray may they rest in peace and enter to Heaven. May they always in the hands of GOD.

My grandfathers and grandmothers at both my mom and dad side passed away long time ago, when I was still a kid. I always think that how would they be if they're still alive until today..

And my prayer goes to my baby Andrea too. Yes, most of you wouldn't know about this. It's happened about 3 years ago. Yes, Gabriel's actually had an eldest sister.

My baby Andrea now rest in peace with GOD. Oh my heart now in sorrow out of sudden just by the thought of her. I wish to see her face one day.

Okay. That's it by now. I'm going to bed now. My prayer tonight is deeply dedicated to all souls..


  1. kalau d kuala penyu, kena panggil "hari sembahyang kuburan". kami punya 2nd family gathering after cny. ko pernah gugur pula stel? Sia pun pernah tp nda jadi la tu fetus. so, kira teda jg la. cuma still kena D&C.

    1. Oh, ko asal kuala penyu la ni kan Just. happened 3 yrs ago. What to do kan, God loves her more. I know she's now in GOD's hand. About 10 weeks pregnancy ba masa tu. My instinct ckp dia baby girl, so i gave her name 'Andrea'.

    2. Ya my mom ba dari kuala penyu. owhh.. mine was 12weeks tp mmg teda itu baby.. mmg tida jadi. so.. teda la terasa sgt.

  2. Sedih kah Stella..Klu diingatkan org yang tiada sdh..Specially org yang kita sayng...huhu..5 tahun sdh bapa saya pergi meninggalkan kami...:-(
