It's the 3rd week of the month of April 2011. time flies so fast.. I can't imagine i'll become a mother in 4 months. Yes, that's the good news. I think most of you especially those who always visit my blog and waiting for the good news knew about this. I mean you must predicted this thing kan.. So, i make it official here that now i am in 21 weeks of pregnancy.
Thank GOD for the gift. It's really a miracle thing that GOD has given in our life and I can't wait to welcome this new member of our family. The most happiest thing I can think of is, with GOD's will, we will celebrating Christmas this year with this little new member. My parents must be very happy too as this is their first grandchild.
I can feel the movement of the fetus as early as in 18 weeks pregnancy. Me and hubby were so happy. And now the movement occur frequently. As i felt the movement, I know this miracle gift from GOD alive in me. We don't know the gender yet, will find out about it this coming 25th April, appointment with doctor.
Okay, that's it for now. I am so sorry as the blog update seem on and off. The internet line was not really smooth but i'll try my best to update this blog from time to time. Meanwhile, i'll do some blogwalking too to keep in touch with all of you my beloved blogger friends.
Have a blessed day,

Hey congrats for your pregnancy~! ^_^ Take good care of yourself ya..
ReplyDeleteStelle sa suda tau mesti ni yang ko mau kasi umum kan..wah congrats to both of you. Wah excited saya..
ReplyDeleteJaga diri ya stelle n for the baby also.
wah sama kamu sama c Ken..
Congrats sis...4 months lagi ni mo jadi mummy...take care ya...
ReplyDeleteAnother mom to be..yay! Happy for you. (NC pun expecting, Cj is due soon and now is you)
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you and yr hubby.
Bah, take care kio (^^)
Hi Stell,
ReplyDeleteCongrats! take care of yourself and ur baby k! GBU! :)
Wa.. congratz.. ^^
ReplyDeletebanyak kan bakal mumy skrg... nc ma CathJ pun pregnant jg kan.. So nice!!
God bless all of u! ^^
Congrats mummy-to-be!! :D Take care yea'..God bless! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratz stel! mmg sia guess ko preggy ba tp lmbt jg ko announce! hehehe... nyway, take care ya.. :D
ReplyDeletecongrats :) its a great feeling to be a new mommy kn. .hehe..mcm sa pun masih nda pcaya sa sndri begitu skg.
ReplyDeleteits true like u said. it s a gift from God.
ur in ur 21st week? wah.. bedekat2 ja kita ni.. sa mau masuk 24th week sda. hehe..:)
its a good year..i have so many friends n family members who are also expecting :)
ReplyDeleteTQ..will do..
TQ..nah ko tau suda tu hehehe..
Ya, tq..mcm tdk sabar pula sya hehehe..
ReplyDeleteTQ..ramai pula expecting ni kan.. :)
ok..will do.. TQ..:)
ya bnyk bakal mummy..tq for visiting here k..:)
ReplyDeleteThanks.. will do..:)
haha..ya ramai yg blh agak.. sengaja lmbt mau awal2.. org tua2 bilang pantang haha.. superstitious btl sya kan haha
ReplyDeleteya..sama2 kita bakal mummy ni tahun..hehe.. Ya saya 21st week suda.. tdk lama lg mau masuk 22nd weeks..
GOD's gift kan.. Sya pun happy ramai kwn expecting ni thn.. You take care too k..:)
Nah kan, sudah ku duga :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you and your hubby as well...
Jaga diri baik-baik. Doesn't matter apa jantina dia, yang penting hargailah pemberian Tuhan yang paling berharga ni...God bless you, hubby and the baby (^_^)
nda la.. sia pun besa tggu sama at least 3mths baru announce.. kita ikut ja ckp urg tua2 ba.. hehehe...
ReplyDeleteHuge congratulations to you and the hubby! Such a joyful thing to anticipate. Bah take care kio!
ReplyDeletewah stella!! congrats to u and Richard!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Stella... Wau.. mau jadi mommy sdh dia!! cant wait to see ur baby.. mesti cute mcm mom dia kan..~:)) GBU and family, take care.. xoxo
ReplyDeleteSumandak Kinabalu:
ReplyDeleteTQ..betul tu, doesnt matter apa jantina.. Terima ja GOD's gift ni..hehe.. bah, ko capat2 kawin2 hehe.. GBU too.
Ya betul tu...ikut ckp org tua2 la ba kan..hehe!
Chegu Carol:
Thank u so much..GBU
ReplyDeleteThanks!.. waiting for ur big day..bila laitu?..hehe
Mary Jane: capat2 ko kawin, trus kasi keluar baby..hehehe... Sya pun tdk sabar mo tingu baby sya ni..harap2 kiut la yg mcm ko ckp tu..hehe! GBU.
naaa.. kanbetul tekaan sa.. hehhehe... happy mum to be la blh kaitu..heheh... tk k urself ok..:)
ReplyDeleteFantastic Ajane:
ReplyDeleteTQ..GBU :)
happy to be mommy...
ReplyDeleteGhost writer: TQ.. mmg hepi ..:)
ReplyDeletecongrats moii :)
ReplyDeleteEVE: Thanks!
ReplyDeleteOmg!..congrats stella and richard..oh diam 2 ko sana!..i am very happy to read this good news. U take care and enjoy your pregnancy.. God bless :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting here..:)
Ya la diam2 dulu nnti baru announce hehehe