Hello there!
Yes, I'm back!.. I'm back to baking mode! I have started to take cake orders starting this month (Nov 2014) and how i miss to bake for my family and friends!.
Now that I'm in KK, i have plenty of time to bake even though i have to sneak in some time during my lil toddler napping time or in the midnight.
I arrived in Malaysia on the 3rd October 2014 and officially touched down KK on 8th October 2014. (will blog out about this later). I am so happy that now i get to bake for family and friends and continue to explore new recipes. I am very excited to try some recipes and few are already on the list.
Recently i baked the Carrot Walnut Cake for the first time and it was really good. The taste was really nice and wish to bake it again. The recipe was quite straight forward. I'll blog it out the recipe soon.
Carrot Walnut Cake
The carrot walnut recipe isn't too sweet and i think it really suit to my taste. It is moist but not oily. I brought it to my parent's house last Sunday. They are always been my cake taster since the early phase of my baking works haha! The feedback was good and encouraging.
Here are the carrot walnut cake I baked for tea time. Hubby requested for cream cheese topping and it works marvelous! It was a great combination. But i have to refrain myself from eating this more. Well, you know.. because I'm a dessert lover haha! I could finish the whole plate by myself hahaha! And surely the next day i will blame myself when i saw my waistline increases to 2 inches!.. :P
So here are some of the cakes i bake for friends last week :-
Chocolate Moist Cake with Frozen topper

Chocolate CheeseCake which is rich in Chocolate because i used Dark Chocolate compound in the batter.
Carrot Walnut Cake with Cream Cheese frosting ordered by a friend only for 'makan-makan'.
That is all for now. Thanks for visiting here. I hope i will able to update my blog regularly again like i used to be and continue to bake more cakes too haha! I think i have to get new oven which is bigger than i have now and maybe another stand mixer. Oh my! perhaps these could be my Christmas list. Who knows! Kasi hint2 dulu sawo hihihi >_<
Have a great week ahead. God bless.