
25 August 2012

Happy 1st Birthday to dearest Gabriel

A year ago , i was over the moon, such a bliss to be granted to a healthy baby boy. Despite the suffering and pain to bring him to the world, it all vanished just by looking his cute tiny face. That is the magic touch of a baby and a mother's experience that nothing can compare. It's indeed a blessing. Thank you God for the greatest gift ever.

Today, 1 year old Gabriel Aiden, his cheeky smile always melts mummy's and daddy's heart. Growing up day by day, discovering new things and eager to explore and to learn. Showing us funny things everyday through his learning process. That is really priceless moment. :)

May his journey to explore the world and to a growing up process will be blessed and always in the path of God has made. I pray may God always be with him, to guide and to protect and bless him in everything he does. Still long way to go. Thank you again oh God that you make us to care this special gift so far with full of caution and love.

Happy 1 year old Birthday my dear Gabriel, mummy's apple of eyes. Grow up and go explore the world. Be a kindhearted boy, generous and respect to others. And most important is keep faith in GOD, cause without Him life would be meaningless. :)

Mummy and daddy love you so much Gabriel.. :)

22 August 2012

August, A Busy Month

August is really a busy month for me.

So much things to do but worth it. I am still in vacation mood. I just returned from Phuket on last Thursday. 

A week before I fly to Phuket we celebrated the birthday of my father in-law. And a day before fly to Phuket, we celebrated the 31st wedding anniversary of my parents.

Now, just about 5 days after returned from Phuket, I have to complete the task of organizing a birthday party for Gabriel which will be held on this coming Sunday. I prepared a door gift and a slideshow, followed by thinking of preparing a little corner for Gabriel on that party.

I hope everything will goes well. I pray..

Okay that's for now. Thanks for dropping by here. Perhaps i should write about my Phuket vacation in my next post. 

And oh ya, i hope it is not too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims around the world. :)

15 August 2012

2nd day at Patong, Phuket

I'm writing this post all the way from Phuket.

Today is our 2nd day here in Patong, Phuket. In fact we are entering to the 3rd day already because it is 12.37am now.

We're having fun and our day occupied with a lot of activities.The scenery of the island is really fantastic and mesmerizing.

That's it for now. Will update more details about our vacations soon. :)

13 August 2012

Touchdown at LCCT

Here i am, updating this blog from Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT), Sepang. Touchdown here at about 10.30pm (12/8/2012). 

Fly from KK at about 8.30pm. The flight from KK should be at 8pm, but delayed for about 30mins.

It's hard to walked out from the house door. It's hard to say goodbye. I hold my tears while saying goodbye to Gabriel. Thank GOD, he didn't cry anymore when he saw me went out of the house. Before this, he was so into me. He can't separate with me for even a second. He will cry out aloud, and I will carry and hug him right away, because I couldn't bear to see him in that situation. But today is different. I guess GOD has answered my prayer. Things become easier when he's not crying anymore, although deep inside my heart it's hard to leave him behind.

Hoping that Gabriel will always fine while I am not there with him. My parents are taking care of him. My mother took 5 days off just to take care of Gabriel.

We'll be heading to Phuket in 5 hours time. Therefore, hubby and I spending our night here. I thought we were the only people who doing overnight here. There are a lot more peoples spending their night here. I guess their flight almost same like us too.

Ok, it's 2.20am. I'll end this post here.
 Will update more soon.

GOD bless.

08 August 2012

I am so worried :(

Hello dear friends.. How is your weekdays? I hope all is fine. My weekdays so far so good.

As i mention in my previous post, we ( hubby and i) will be leaving on a jet plane soon. Yes, we will leave this coming Sunday evening.

My heart can't hardly wait for the vacation but deep inside my heart really worried. I don't know what to say. I couldn't say to cancel this vacation to dear hubby as he himself excited for this trip. I admit i am excited, but my motherly insticnt really put me in dilemma.

Gabriel really so into me. He really can't stay far away from me. My heart aches everytime he cries to see me far from him. But i stay in positive and let he learn no too 'manja' with me.

This week started from last Monday, i stayed with my parents. Thinking of to let Gabriel to get use with his grandma and grandpa. I guess he have been in Kudat for a long time, that is why he really not use to see my parents and he will cry aloud whenever my mother or father carrying him. Oh poor Gabriel, how could I leave him in that situation. I was worried till i don't have ideas what to do anymore.

Hubby said, that is why we let him stay with my parents so that he will slowly adapt with the environment and get use to my parents as well. We've been here since Monday, and i observe he is starting to get use slowly. But i am still worried.. I don't know. Maybe that's because i never leave him for a such long period. For an info, we will be on vacation for about 5 days.

Dear parents out there, i am sure you had such experience. Please share how you overcome the problem. I need your help. Your opinion might make me feel ease, and solve this matter. Sharing is caring. :)

Thank you for reading my humble post. See you again in my next post. Perhaps i will write about my vacation.. :)

03 August 2012

It's August and I Broke Into Tears..

Hello dear friends,
We were on our 3rd day in August and it's Friday. Yes, weekend is on the way. So what is your planning for weekend?.. I am sure most of you really like Friday cause it's the beginning to weekend isn't it?..hehe..

Well, for us (the 3 of us), will be on our way to KK today. Most probably will head to KK by 2 pm. Yeay!.. after about more than 3 weeks in Kudat, feels like missing KK so much.Hubby's ex-colleague will celebrating his big day tomorrow in KK, so that's the reason we go back to our hometown today. :)

So, what is happening on August?.. Actually I've been waiting for August. Gabriel will turn 1 year old on the 25th. And did i mention that my father in-law birthday also is on August?..yes, it's on the 9th. hehe..

We're planning to do Gabriel's birthday celebration. Not that really a fancy one. Only a simple and humble celebration. The venue is still in discussion. The date would be on the 26th August, at about 1pm. You're invited. Please leave a comment in the comment box if you could make it. :)

And oh ya, hubby and I will leave on a jet plane in 1 week time. It's a vacation! yeay! Can't wait.. :) So, i will update you more on that matter soon. :D

By looking at the title at this post, you must be wondering what was the 'broke into tears' all about.  Here's the story. 

It was right before August, Gabriel called me ' Mama..Mama!' with a loud and clear voice for the FIRST TIME. I was shocked. Surprisingly, he could say Mama with that convincing and clear voice at 11 months old. For an info, he sometimes say words seem like 'Mama" too but not that clear. Without i realized, my tears dropped. I broke into tears. It's a lot of tears! huh.. What an emotional moment. And a memorable one.. :)

He was calling me to asked me to carry him. With that begging face and open arms... Maybe that's the reason I broke into tears too. I was really touched, followed by his calling me 'Mama..' , that's the greatest feeling ever for a 1st time mother like me. Indeed i'm a proud mother.. :P

 With the apple of my eyes :D

Okay, that's it for now. 
Have a great Friday.. ;)