
30 July 2012

Gabriel's Playroom-continues

I wrote about Gabriel's playroom few days ago. Unfortunately I couldn't upload any photos on that post due to the bad internet line. You can read the post HERE.

How I wish to make a playroom just like the photos below. I Googled on how to decorate a playroom and here what I got. Please take a look a the photos below.

Really nice isn't it?.. I wish I could decorate and create a playroom for Gabriel just like all above. 

Well, I made a playroom for Gabriel. It is not as fancy as the photos above. It just a simple room. But I think it is still lack of decorations and cabinets for the toys. Perhaps I should add more toys?..

Here it is:-

Tada!! Just a simple room. Enough for Gabriel to crawl here and there. 

Maybe I should buy the one like a tunnel thing, because Gabriel likes to crawl under a chair and between his daddy's leg..haha! 

Okay that's it for now.

Thanks for visiting here. Any recommendation for the playroom?.. Leave a comment. ;)

My Baby's Cutest Pose Contest

The MumCentre Malaysia Facebook Page is conducting 'My Baby's Cutest Pose' Contest. 
I sent a photo of Gabriel to join this contest.

Here is Gabriel's photo:-

Isn't he cute?.. :)

Entries are not solely based on votes/threads alone. The winning photo will be judged with the following criteria:
Pose and Cuteness- 50%
Likes/Shares/Threads to entries- 50%.

 Closing date is August 1, 2012.

 So, will you do me a favor to vote Gabriel's photo?.. 
You just click this LINK and vote for Gabriel's photo by clicking 'like' on his photo. 
And by the way, you must log in to your Facebook account first before you do so.

Thanks! :D
 GOD bless. Have a blessed week ahead.


27 July 2012

Gabriel's Playroom

Since our little boy is going to become a toddler soon, I was thinking of making a playroom for him. It is quite difficult for me to create one. For an info, we are staying in an old wooden house, that is a government quarters here in Kudat. So, there is quite hard for me to think about decorating a fancy toddler playroom or something like that.

The wall also too old and the idea of painting the wall again is a bad decision. I was thinking to just wrap the wall with a wallpaper with plastic kind of material. The old wooden wall is releasing some sort of fungus (especially for that too old wooden house). Hubby is trying to get a claim to repair the whole house but the management just ignore it, and instead they informed him that the house is not deserve to get a reparation works. 

I was quite pissed off about that. Nevertheless, we couldn't just sit there and wait. Poor Gabriel, he still don't have a playroom.

Few days ago, hubby put some effort to clean and wrap the wall as well as the floor in the other room. It's quite simple and I was about to broke into tears as I saw it. Yes, that was because Gabriel so happy wandering, crawling here and there. His smile and cheeky laughs really made my day. :)

The next step is to put toys and mattress in there. Perhaps a small furniture too to keep Gabriel toys.

Okay that's it for now. I really want to put some pictures in this post. Unfortunately the internet line is in bad condition now. I tried to upload several times but it fails to appear.

Have a great weekend ahead. 
Take care.

Standing Abs Workout

I've been working out on several parts of my body especially on my abs. I came across this abs workout video on Youtube by Jillian Micheal. She was a professional fitness trainer in The Biggest Loser show. 

She always inspiring me. I wish I could turn my body into just like her. Could I ?.. Nothing is impossible. Faith and effort as well as workout routine with proper diet should lead to a body just like her ( i guess). Yes, it should be true.

Here is the video:-

Jillian Michaels: Standing Abs Workout is a short abdominal exercise circuit that is designed to sculpt six pack abs, strengthen the core, burn calories, and tone the oblique muscles. Blast belly fat, slim the waistline and get shredded for summer with America's Toughest Trainer, Jillian Michaels. Try this unique ab workout anywhere and transform yourself for swimsuit-ready results! 

Okay, that's it for now. You may try the workout too. It looks easy, but not that easy though. The most important is you should do each workout pattern with frequent repetition then you can see the good result. :)

Happy Friday 

Look at what I found!

I came across over an old photo of my hubby and his siblings. The photo was kept inside a folder in our desktop but I never seen it before. I guess I was the one who is quite lazy to browse around the photo folders that were kept in our computer at home.

26 July 2012

1 Dead, 4 Remain Missing

KOTA KINABALU: An explosion ripped through a chemical/palm oil tanker in Labuan early Thursday, leaving one crewman dead and four missing. The incident started when a fire broke out on board the Malaysian International Shipping Corporation-owned Bunga Alpinia 3 (pix) alongside the Petronas Methanol terminal in Labuan at about 3am.

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency confirmed the dead crewman as Shahril Azmi Baharuddin, 28. His body was found floating in the sea at about 10am, said MMEA officer Awil Kamsari. MISC said in a statement that the 29 crew members comprised of Malaysians and Filipinos.

An Oil Tanker in Labuan Caught Fire

Source: Facebook

KUALA LUMPUR, July 26 (Bernama) -- A fire broke out early today on board an MISC Berhad chemical/palm oil tanker in Labuan, Sabah, MISC said in a statement.

25 July 2012

The Things I Must Apply Everyday

These are the things I must apply everyday. Twice a day. 
3 products for skin and 1 for hair-growth. 

They're literally not that expensive. But they are fantastic and I think they suit me. I have to workout more on my skin and hair since I delivered my lil' boy. 

24 July 2012

Menus for my lil' boy

Our lil' boy, Gabriel has just started to eat rice porridge last week. I was really happy with his development. Before this he only likes to eat cereal and wheat.

I cooked different recipes these few days. The moment he ate the porridge I cooked, I was really happy and relieved. 

I can't describe the feeling. 

23 July 2012

Kuih Terang Bulan

Kuih Terang Bulan

Hubby bought this 'kuih' from bazaar ramadhan here in Kudat. I found out the 'kuih' was very tasty.

A Photobook for Gabriel's Baptism

I saw a deal from somewhere in January.  The deal was  RM52 (75% Off) for RM208 worth of Personalised Photo Albums from Photobook Malaysia. Without hesisted I grabbed this deal with Gabriel in my mind. Yes, I was thinking to create a photobook for Gabriel.

21 July 2012

Bazaar Ramadhan at Kudat

First of all, i like to wish ' Selamat Berpuasa' to all our Muslim friends. :D

The fasting month for Muslims is the most favourite month for me. And why is that?.. I think you can figure it out already. Yes, of course! There's a lot bazaar Ramadhan on this fasting month. :D

Opps.. i think my diet regime is now "rosak" already seeing those delicious food.. haha!

By the way, i share with you some of the pics i shot during our attempt to buy food at bazaar ramadhan here in Kudat.

19 July 2012

Just recovered

I just recovered from flu and coughing. In fact, i am recovering. I mean no more flu, but there's slightly coughs. I suffered from headache too while attacked by these flu and coughs. Thank GOD, the recovering day is here. It was almost a week though.

The toughest thing i had to do was to take care of Gabriel (our 10 old months baby) during my illness days. I was afraid he will catch these flu and coughs too. And in my weak condition, I had to entertain him, as well as to feed and give him bath. 

18 July 2012

I Faced 2 Miracles- continuation from previous post

Upon my hubby entered the car, I told him about what had happened just now. He said 'Luckily there's a blue shirt man. But if it's true that the white shirt guy was a salesman, you could just said you don't want to buy.' I told him, but still it looks like scary. I was afraid the white shirt guy was aiming the sling bag which was left at front seat. Once again, I thanked GOD.. I felt secure after I locked the car. 

That was the miracle no 1. Here is another one..

16 July 2012

I Faced 2 Miracles

Yes, i experienced 2 miracles on last Saturday. These miracles, i could say they indeed saved our (the 3 of us) life. Thank you GOD. I know these were all the way from GOD. I'm really grateful to know that these were the works by GOD. How could i know that they were really from GOD?.. Well i knew it at once. :D

Here's the story.

11 July 2012

Ladies, Be Kind To Your Body

 source: Google

Be wishing you were 10 kilograms lighter or that you had fuller 'assets', being critical of how your body looks is probably a habit most of women familiar with. However, constantly being unhappy with what you have and putting yourself down for it can do even more harm than you thought.

09 July 2012

Can't Wait August

Hello dear friends, it's Monday.
Feels like a blue Monday?.. Don't be. Be positive and just think that the time will pass soon. Trust me, time really flies real soon. :D

So what is so interesting about August?.. Well, it would be a big event for my dearest son, Gabriel. He will turn 1 year old on the 25th of August. It feels like time really flies.

07 July 2012


I am sure most of you know about Photobook right?.. It's a sort of a photo album but it's in a book form. You can design your photobook suit to your interest. But most important is you have to download the photobook design software so that you can design your own album. Once you downloaded the software, you can design your photobook and as you complete the design part , you have to send it online to any printing company. 

I did it for my Gabriel's full moon event. Well, actually I received the photobook about a month ago. I only have the chance to share about it today. :D

The captured pictures were kept in a photobook that I ordered from Photobook Malaysia. There was a promotion for the 8.5"x 11" size. I think the actual price was RM256 and I only have to pay RM100 plus. The discount was about 75%.

Take a look of few of the pages in my photobook below. :)

05 July 2012

A Surprise Gift

I was complaining about my figure lately. Yes, been envy to see those friends who able to do workout and zumba in KK. Well, you know there's no zumba been conducted here in Kudat. And even if there is, I couldn't make time to attend it.