
16 July 2012

I Faced 2 Miracles

Yes, i experienced 2 miracles on last Saturday. These miracles, i could say they indeed saved our (the 3 of us) life. Thank you GOD. I know these were all the way from GOD. I'm really grateful to know that these were the works by GOD. How could i know that they were really from GOD?.. Well i knew it at once. :D

Here's the story.
Today, my husband went out as early as 7.30am to send our car for regular service. The service somehow took about 3 hours, and my husband reached at home at about 12pm. He received a call from a kind worker at Perodua Service about 30 mins later; he forgot his laptop there. Thank GOD that there was a good fellow who recognized my husband and his laptop (altogehter with the laptop's bag). He right away called my husband over the phone to informed about it. Percaya ko suda lama duduk di rumah, siap suda habis lunch, hubby sya masi tidak ingat pasal tu laptop dia..doii haha.. Ok that was not one of the miracle i was talking about, but indeed this can be one of them isn't it?.. Who knows..:D

Hubby went out again to picked up his laptop. This time, I said to him that I wanted to go out with him. I was thinking of bringing Gabriel together just to take some air outside. Gabriel might bore to stay at home for the whole day. So, hubby agreed and he said we can have a stop by at Megalong's Giant to buy some groceries, gabriel's diapers, gabriel's milk powder and etc.

As we done shopping at Megalong's Giant, hubby said he wanted to have a stop at CKS supermarket for a while to check the price for the Drypers ( we had to buy this brand since huggies drypant and mamipoko drypant L size unavailable at Megalong's Giant.)

He parked the car a bit far from the CKS Supermarket. Gabriel and i stayed inside the car. As hubby went out to the supermarket, I was thinking, " hey, no need to lock the car door because hubby won't take a long time inside there (supermarket),". A few second later, there was a white shirt man, holding a black bag and a bottle with sort of pinkish liquid. He walked passed by our car. I saw him but ignored him. I did not think much about this man. Suddenly, as i turn around at the back of our car, the man walked again towards our car. This time he looked at me. Still, i did not think much about that. For an info, our car still in unlock state. Out of nowhere, there was another man with blue shirt walked passing by our car.

The man with white shirt that was walking towards our car now distracted with the appearance of the blue shirt man. He suddenly turned to the blue shirt man. He walked to the blue shirt man and talked to him; seem like he was selling something. Now, there's something stuck in my mind. I locked the car at once!.. 

Knowing that this white shirt guy was actually a salesman. I thought he was one of the supermarket's customer who parked there too. I wonder whether the white shirt guy really a genuine salesman or something else. As i looked at the front seat, now i know my husband actually left his sling bag at the passenger seat. While Gabriel and i sitting at the back. Praise to GOD. Luckily, the blue shirt man walked passed by our car.. When i think about it again, it was really scary. What if.. oh no! I don't even dare to think further! Thank You GOD for everything. That's what I'm thinking until right now. Couldn't thank GOD enough..

As my husband returned to car, i told him about it.

Oh my.. Gabriel is now waking up from his morning nap. I guess i have to stop here now. Of course i will continue to write about it for the next post.

Till then, have a great Monday ahead. :)


  1. Thanks God nothing happen.Better lock the car all the time even ur husband went out for a while...Take care stella :)

    1. Ya, true Sabrina. That was really an eye opener for me..

  2. OMG!! Nasib baik nothing happen owh stel! Misti dia plan mau buka pintu kreta and ambil ur hubby pnya sling bag. Worst if dia bw lari kreta dgn kamu d dlm!! Adoiii.. Ba, nx time misti mau kunci kreta. D sini, every time c asai kluar kreta misti dia remind sia kunci kreta.

    1. Ya ba Just. nasib baik oh.. Nasib tu lelaki baju biru limpas dekat2 kreta kami. Mcm kena suruh2 ja dia limpas dekat kreta kami. Mcm life saver pula..

  3. Oh dear, sounds scary! Thank God u guys are alright! Take care, dear.

  4. Hey, kunci kereta ah.. That's what the word sa selalu pesan with c Sumandak tiap kali sa kasi tinggal dia di kereta jap.. Well, mungkin habit sini KL gitu, sa teikut2 da... Tapi mimang bapa sa train sa gtu dari dulu.. :D

    1. Ngam la tu..ko train juga si sumandak ko lock the door selalu :)

  5. LOCK your car no matter what, even if your hubs is out there inflating the tyres of the car, we should still just lock the car.

  6. sa slu xkunci keta..hubby la yg slu reminds sa.. pengajaran utk sa jg ni.

  7. It's really dangerous these days. No matter how long, must lock your car!

  8. Aiyo, dangerous o. If me, whenever I leave my gf in the car, I would always ask her to lock the car when I get out.

    Thankfully everything okay kan, Stella. Thank goodness for you three!

    Ba happy Wednesday. And please don't forget! ;D

  9. Aiyoyo sis...sya baru nampak ni post ko..adudui scary oh. kreta sya x auto lock dari dalam ~sigh~..tapi skrg sya pndai2 sdh mau lock sndiri. takut2 juga kan. Thanks God kmu x apa2 lah..

    1. auto lock ka.. kadang pandai terlupa ba kan.. mmg scary oh..

  10. I do believe in miracle. Thanks for sharing the story. :)

  11. Good thing you are aware of your surrounding, many igonre these kind of things. We especially women have to be alert always and never ever trust stranger. i too very aware these kind of things lebih2 lagi bila ada anak2 keci kan.

  12. btw, antonia here, in case you don't recognize my nick name :)

  13. Thank goodness. A woman and a baby will looks like an easy prey. So careful always.

  14. hehehehe, salah login nama bah tu stella, patut this account but i log the other "secret" account pula hahahaha
