
11 July 2012

Ladies, Be Kind To Your Body

 source: Google

Be wishing you were 10 kilograms lighter or that you had fuller 'assets', being critical of how your body looks is probably a habit most of women familiar with. However, constantly being unhappy with what you have and putting yourself down for it can do even more harm than you thought.

Studies show that women who have a negative body image tend to exhibit higher level of psychological distress such as insomnia, depression, irritability and unexplained fatigue, than those who don't.

So, instead of zoning in on your cellulite, or full thighs the next time you look in the mirror, try focusing on your soft, shiny hair or sexy curves!

source: The SHAPE Magazine

Stella says: Hmmm.. really a self reminder for me. Been unhappy with my figure lately. I should do this once in a while. :D


  1. Stell, relax la.. :D.. but, ya, bila laki solid body, normally bini pun berabis tu mo kasi solid.. :p

    1. Haha..mcm ko ni ada experience ja ba kan Aki hihi

  2. overthinking psl all that stuffs mmg bikin stress ba tu..not good in terms of mentally n emotionally..besalah women kan..mmg mau everything to be perfect..hehe.. o ya sa ada buku bkaitan ur post. tajuknya, why women thinking too much? sgt best ni buku

    1. Oh, di mna ko beli tu buku.. Sya pun mau la hehehe

  3. This can be a bad thing of course... but this can be a good thing too :P It can be a motivation so that one would take care of their body better... like going to exercise regularly. Tapi kalo yang suda fit and balik-balik tinguk mirror tu nda bagus suda tu hehee.

    Happy Thursday, Stella!

    1. Hahaa..klu yg sdh fit tp balik2 tingu mirror tu siok sendiri sdh tu Arms.
      Ya la, it's sort of a motivation ba kn.. Ba kasi motivate diri dlu ni hehe
