
05 July 2012

A Surprise Gift

I was complaining about my figure lately. Yes, been envy to see those friends who able to do workout and zumba in KK. Well, you know there's no zumba been conducted here in Kudat. And even if there is, I couldn't make time to attend it.

I guess this is a feeling of a mother. I mean a new mother who wants to get her figure back. (mau dpt balik body yg sebelum pregnant tu ba.. hehe) Yes, you know a woman always doesn't satisfied with the changes of her body once she delivers a baby. Sya jeles bah sama si Wyne and CheguCarol..  Kurus betul dorang ni.. Maintain lagi tu. fuh! Wyne lagi la, a mother of three boys lagi tu..

However, I always thankful to have a friend just like Conchita. She's really a positive minded. A mother of two adorable kids. She is in the process of losing weight too. She always encourages me and motivates me to do workout. And sharing about his workout routine and low carb diet as well. I told her that i don't have that much time to do workout. She eases me with her words; "carrying Gabriel here and there also count as workout". I took that as my inspiration and of course it was correct indeed. Carrying and chasing Gabriel here and there counted as workout too because it's tiring and makes me to sweat.

By the way, on one afternoon (about a couple weeks ago), I saw a wide box inside our car. That was after we went out for lunch at CityMall. It surprised me. When i read the box description, then I found out it was an exercise bike. Well, i did mentioned to my hubby before, about how I really wanted to have an exercise bike at home, but I didn't know that he would buy it that fast.

 My exercise bike in pink color. :)

 There's digital screen. The functions included to scan your cycling time, distance, speed, heart rate and calories as well.

I was really grateful. And thankful to him. It really motivates me. I hope I'll loss some weight after this. Yes, i adore those toned legs, and I want it on mine. Hubby said I have to do the cycling at least 30 minutes per day. Phew!! I tried it the other day. I can't even reach 10 minutes haha.. But as day goes by, I think I am getting used to it. I can reach 5km in 18 minutes 24 second..

Okay, that's it for now. Let's see if there is changes to my weight and if my leg got toned after this..hehe.

Thank you for visiting here. Have a great week ahead.:D
GOD bless.


  1. Waa.. That's your hubby way of saying thanks for being a marvellous wife and mother kali kan.. ;p aww~

    1. Maybe la...he said tht's the belated mother's day gift kunun..:p

  2. aik, ada zumba ba di kudat tu..d KM ni baru juga ada but net year la baru sy join..hehe..hari tu pn sy bising2 lama xjogging, trus hubby beli treadmill tp jarang juga sy pakai..hubby pula hari2 main bola n jogging d padang..dia bilang xpuas jogging d treadmill..ahaha

    1. Really? Di mna?.. Tp sama jg sya nda dpt attend jg tu.. Hmmm! Doiii..syg la treadmill ko sya la haha

  3. nice ni moi...blh jg slim blik's bout time ja tu..agreed,ko carry baby ko here n there pn still consider dlu time gemuk x perna exercise ni,sa kira time working suda consider exercise..tlmpau byk bjln kn..hee...gud luck moi :)

  4. All the best to your exercise routine! I'm real lazy, my only exercise is shopping. Lol!

  5. When you already achieved the figure that you wanted, do post a before and after pic a. Wakakaa. Harus itu.

    Happy Friday, Stella!

  6. Wh stelle I want one too. Recently sa pun kurang banyak makan ni..odoi!!!

    Bh gud luck ahh

    1. Beaty, minta beli fiance ko hehehe.. Tp sya tingu ko slim sdh tu..

  7. Wah. Sa pun mo ada begini! Pink lagi tu. I like! :)

    Sa pun sedang mo kasi kurus badan. Mo ambil pre-wedding photo kan, haruslah slim-mlim. hehe :)

    Bah, palan2 kio. Good luck! :)

    1. Oh ya kan.. X lma lg ko mo kawin tu..
      Caiyo..caiyo! Sama2 kita kasi kurus bdn :)

  8. Bagi la tu basikal...ekekkekek

  9. Good luck. Kalo ko di KK bulih saya timbang kau oh, pakai saya punya Inner Scan tu. Keep it up! Saya pergi gym jog 20min, cycling 20min. setiap hari cukup sudah

  10. bestnya tu colour lg xsuka tlmpau kurus kalu sa..i prefer body yg tough n fit, but not thin..berisi sedikit mcm hayden panittere..pelakon suka body dia.. petite but fit ni..

  11. Adduiii.. Ur hubby always so sweet. Have been eyeing for one! Mmg berat ada turun after treatment tp itu tummy nda jg ilang! Huhu..
