
07 July 2012


I am sure most of you know about Photobook right?.. It's a sort of a photo album but it's in a book form. You can design your photobook suit to your interest. But most important is you have to download the photobook design software so that you can design your own album. Once you downloaded the software, you can design your photobook and as you complete the design part , you have to send it online to any printing company. 

I did it for my Gabriel's full moon event. Well, actually I received the photobook about a month ago. I only have the chance to share about it today. :D

The captured pictures were kept in a photobook that I ordered from Photobook Malaysia. There was a promotion for the 8.5"x 11" size. I think the actual price was RM256 and I only have to pay RM100 plus. The discount was about 75%.

Take a look of few of the pages in my photobook below. :)

Nice isn't it?.. I am sure you can do yours much better. Start design your photobook today. Click HERE to know more about Photobook Malaysia and stay tuned for any promotion. :D

You can create photobook as a gift to your loved one as well. It's a sign of your love and appreciation to them. :D

For me, this is a gift to my dear baby Gabriel. It's a sign of my love for him, so that as he grow up, he could view this photobook and be thankful of how his mom and dad kept the memories of his babyhood in a book.

That's it for today. Have a great weekend ahead. :)


  1. thanks for sharing...lama sudah want to do photobook online instead of going to shop and ask them do but blm lagi kesampaian hajat.

  2. I love photobook... I bought something similar from canon... Sampai skrg belum siap upload hihihi.... :p

    1. I love them too cathj. Sekarang sya sedang buat yg baptism puna album pula. Bah, do upload aa..mau tingu hehehe

  3. Photo Books are a great innovation to preserve all our pix for keepsakes. Great sharing, dear! They're beautiful!

  4. Stell...c dendy pun banyak sudah photobook dia..nanti kejap lagi sa post photobook dia...hehehhe...btw, nice kan ada photobook...:)

  5. Thanks for this info. Sa lama suda mengintai/ tercari-cari photobook online. My wedding marks 15 years anniversary this year. So I wanted to do something like this.

  6. wahhh..gini pula the outcome..

    u know wut, i was actually planned to have this album for my engagement back in 2009.. sampai beranak satu suda ni nda kesampaian mo buat ba..heh..

    1. Ya gini la outcome dia. Depends on ur design and sizes jg tu.. :D
      Bah masi blh buat ba tu.. :D

  7. Yeay,sya x buat ooo..nanti mo buat dlu tym cuti2 sikul..hihi

  8. Hi Stel,

    Wah thanks for the info, se suka ni nanti I try pi webpage drg...btw, the photobook of yours is superb!

  9. Welcome! Wah superb ka Vera..sya rasa besa2 sj oh..btw, thnks again. Ya jan lupa p tingu drg punya website :)

  10. Wahh thankss for sharing. Maybe i can purchase utk my wedding later

  11. Harus sia share photobook sia! Ada 1 lg pending sbb lama lg mau expired the voucher. Selalu mau last minit baru rajin. Hahahha..

    1. Ok just..nnti sya blogwalk d blog ko..actually sya pun ada 1 lg pending, mau dkt expired suda juga hehe

  12. nice o ni photobook .. selalu ada sa tingu voucher online ni tp mcm belum g sa mau print skg ni..he he kira mau print tuk wedding but the album ada suda ni..he he he.. sa buat scrapbook seja la
