
25 July 2012

The Things I Must Apply Everyday

These are the things I must apply everyday. Twice a day. 
3 products for skin and 1 for hair-growth. 

They're literally not that expensive. But they are fantastic and I think they suit me. I have to workout more on my skin and hair since I delivered my lil' boy. 

You know once you become a mother, there's a lot of changes on your body. Yes, I always being uncomfortable with the changes and try to repairs it as fast as I can. Well, there is no such thing as fast reparation for the changes on human body, except SURGERY. But surgery needs recovery too, and that counts similar as 'NOT FAST'.

I must have faith and patience to see the good result. Thank GOD, it slowly appears. It should be comes with good diet and better lifestyle. Food intake should be moderately and sleep pattern shouldn't less than 6 hours.


  1. will write about my skin care product after delivery.. bio oil is a must-have item.

  2. Ko tau stel.. I never bother and I never notice apa2 changes! Hahaaa.. Malas mau fikir bnyk. Malas mau kasi susah hati jg. Buli ka.. Tp sia mmg mcm tu dr dulu2.. Hehehhehe

    1. Really? Betul ba teda changes? I never even bother before i pregnant. Tp lepas deliver gabriel , mcm2 suda sya notice changes ni. My hair pun tgl sikit sdh and my skin seem to develope pigmentation pula..

    2. I mean sia nda pernah peduli ada changes ka nda. I just take things for granted. Huhuhuh..

  3. time sy keja di guardian dulu.. tu bio-oil memang selalu kami suggest tuk customer yang mo kasi hilang parut.. ;)

    1. Ya ka? Mmg bagus tu. ada changes suda kulit sya after using it :)

  4. stelle sa pakai tu bio oil juga kena d muka n sa suka dia kasi hydrate jg tu muka sb d opis pakai aircond ja
