
24 July 2012

Menus for my lil' boy

Our lil' boy, Gabriel has just started to eat rice porridge last week. I was really happy with his development. Before this he only likes to eat cereal and wheat.

I cooked different recipes these few days. The moment he ate the porridge I cooked, I was really happy and relieved. 

I can't describe the feeling. 

Bliss. Love. Joy. I think the feeling is more than that. :D

What would you feel when your kid eats the food you cooked?.. :) 
Yes, you find the answer. And obviously you'll know the exact feeling once you a mother yourself. 

 Chicken Porridge with carrot

Pumpkin Porridge

Gabriel likes the pumpkin porridge very much. He can finish the whole plate. Praise to GOD. :)

So, mothers out there, what is your recipe to your baby/toddler?.. Please share. Maybe I can try it for my lil' boy. He will turn 11 months old by tomorrow. :)

Take care.


  1. Dulu pun sa masak bubur utk c dendy, suka dia makan...sama la mcm ko masak...bubur ayam campur carrot. tp skrg, dia makana pa yg kami mkan sdh so, x sdh sa masak coz mummy sa yg masak...heheh

  2. Wah si Gabriel, good boy! Bestnya kalau anak suka makan masakan mummy dia kan. I'm so excited about starting solid with Ashley! Tapi tunggu dulu a week or two, mau ready-ready sama benda yang sama waktu dengannya juga hehee.. Will blog about it.

  3. C rayyan dulu mkn jg bubur. Kami pksa jg. Tp c lily lgsg nda mau mkn. Dia kasi muntah. Huhuhu.. Both rayyan and lily suka mkn mee pula. Adeh!!

    1. adeh, jadi apa la si lily mkn dr umur dia 6 bulan?..

  4. good.

    can add carrot and spinach too .

    Overhere we like to add dried scallop for the taste but not advisable if you not sure whether he is allergic to seafood or not

    1. thanks for the sharing..ok will do.:)
      ya, that's matter the most. i'm afraid he allergic with seafood

  5. stel, ko try campur ikan putih or ikan salmon, grill atau stim.. campur d bubur.. sedap tu.. anak sya suka, sya pun suka makan hihihi
