
27 July 2012

Standing Abs Workout

I've been working out on several parts of my body especially on my abs. I came across this abs workout video on Youtube by Jillian Micheal. She was a professional fitness trainer in The Biggest Loser show. 

She always inspiring me. I wish I could turn my body into just like her. Could I ?.. Nothing is impossible. Faith and effort as well as workout routine with proper diet should lead to a body just like her ( i guess). Yes, it should be true.

Here is the video:-

Jillian Michaels: Standing Abs Workout is a short abdominal exercise circuit that is designed to sculpt six pack abs, strengthen the core, burn calories, and tone the oblique muscles. Blast belly fat, slim the waistline and get shredded for summer with America's Toughest Trainer, Jillian Michaels. Try this unique ab workout anywhere and transform yourself for swimsuit-ready results! 

Okay, that's it for now. You may try the workout too. It looks easy, but not that easy though. The most important is you should do each workout pattern with frequent repetition then you can see the good result. :)

Happy Friday 


  1. Si Jillian ni memang tagap. Saya pun kalah oleh dia. Haha.

  2. I've blogged about the same work out too! last week :)
    love standing abs workout coz sy susa mau buat crunches hehe pinggag nda ckup kuat

    1. haha..really?.. ini senang sikit mau buat kan.. ;)

  3. Hi, Nice post! Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back.


