
31 October 2012

Wordless Wednesday: My 1st Order

My 1st order of choco fondant. Thank you Ms Feronia. I hope you really like it. 
By the way it was fun chit-chatting with you today. :D

30 October 2012

Chocolate Fondant / Lava Cake Recipe

Chocolate Fondant / Lava Cake Recipe was my 1st baking after I bought an oven on last Friday (26th October 2012). I decided to bake this cake after I saw a friend posted about it on Instagram. It's look tempting and I told myself why don't I bake it myself?.. So i decided to bake choco fondant on the next day. Most of the ingredients are really easy to find. You can find it in any bakery shop that are selling baking ingredients as well as baking utensils.

Here's the recipe:-

28 October 2012

Praise to GOD for all the good things.

Just to share with you what is happening lately for the past 3 days. My husband really wanted to treat me nice meals during this holiday season. I'm so happy to hear that. 

I don't know what is his reason for him of doing so out of sudden, but I am sure maybe this is one of his way to appreciate me for taking care of our lil son and of course for being with him until the very this day. And hoping for more to come. :D

 I am so thankful for what I had and for what I'm having now.  Praise to GOD for all the good things. :D

25 October 2012

14 Months

Happy Thursday everyone. I am sure most of you are now in the mood of holiday as tomorrow is a public holiday. Some might have a half day leave today. Yes, tomorrow is a public holiday in conjunction with Raya Haji. So, I want to take this chance to wish Selamat Hari Raya Haji to all Muslim around the world.

Well today is our little Gabriel special day. He turns 14th months old today. Time really flies. I can't imagine I have been a mother to him for 14th months now. I thanked GOD. He gave me this priceless opportunity to become a mother. Indeed it was such a great experience especially in taking care of our little boy for full time. I guess all SAHMs out there would agreed with me. :)

23 October 2012

No Bake Chocolate Cheesecake

This is my 3rd cake. I decided to make a chocolate cheesecake after my 2nd cake which is plain cheesecake.

It's very easy though. There is no oven required. You just chill it in your fridge. This is my 1st time to make a chocolate cheesecake. Fortunately it turn out nice.

I got the recipe from HERE.

Go and visit the link above to get the recipe ok.. ;)

Here are the pictures of preparation of my chocolate cheesecake. ;)

22 October 2012

New Dress *Happy Mode*

I received my new dress on Saturday. I'm so happy that it fits me well.

I seldom buy online dresses. I guess this would be the 1st time for year 2012. I bought it from the Curves Boutiques.:)

Here is the dress with 4 types of color. I actually wanted the purple color. Since it's out of stock, I chooses the dull pink.

20 October 2012

My 1st Cake

Hi everyone,
It's been a while. I was so busy lately with the moving things. I mean i am sure most of you knew it already. I moved to KK on last Sunday. Yes that was our final day in Kudat. Well, I definitely will blog about it later.

For the time being, let me share with you about my 1st cake. My first cake was Steamed Chocolate Moist Cake. The recipe was introduced by Vera Peter.

Here's the recipe:- (Vera izin sya kasi share ni resipi aa hehe :P)

13 October 2012

No-Bake Cheesecake

Hello dear friends,
for those who're asking me for the no-bake cheesecake recipe, now i write it down here in this post. :D

I received this no-bake cheesecake recipe from a friend, Ms Conchita. She's handy with baking. She's also the one who influences me to bake cheesecakes. 

I didn't ever know that you can bake a cheesecake without oven. Yes, you can just put it inside your refrigerator. Thanks to Conchita for telling me this and for the recipe! :)

12 October 2012

Facebook Page: A Paint of Life

It was hard for me to make this decision. 
 I took an effort to think a lot about this before deciding to create a Facebook Page. 

With the support and encouragement from hubby and friends, 
I finally decided to create Facebook Page for A Paint of Life

 Feel free to like this page (if you really following this blog). 
 I might post the latest entry of this blog on the the page wall. 

Thank you for your support.
 I really appreciate it.
 GOD bless you.

11 October 2012

Things that have happened lately.. :)

Aside from the good news that we received about 10 days ago, these are the things that have happened lately. I wish I can write all in one entry but it might end up with a long post. Hence, i should separate them in merely different post. 

Before I do so, I put up some pictures just to let you see the whole view on what is happening lately. These could be my references too for my next post cause I'm afraid that I might forgot those things later.

All good things.. Just to share with so that the happy vibes would spread in your heart too. :D

09 October 2012

The Good News :)

Wow, it's been a while. I didn't have that opportunity to post some entry in this blog for about more than 10 days. I've been so busy. A lot of things happened lately. Plus with our little boy always wants to get attentions over me. I didn't get that chances to write a post even for a second. No, i don't blame all those things. I feel blessed. All are good things. Nothing to blame on about.

Nevertheless, i miss blogging and blog-hopping. I am still have that spirit to write. No, i would never ever abandon this blog.. ever. :)

Things change over times. And so are people. I would say i feel blessed that our prayer has finally answered.