
28 February 2013

Banana Cake Recipe

I baked a banana cake on the 3rd day of CNY

My heart urges me into baking a cake. I went to the kitchen and saw 3 ripe bananas. So, i decided to bake a banana cake. I Googled for simple recipe of banana cake and I found this recipe from

Indeed it was really a simple recipe. Luckily all the ingredients can be found in my kitchen. So, i baked this banana cake during Gabriel & his daddy taking an afternoon nap. Yes, they didn't know I'm into baking that day. It was kind a surprise for them haha..

Unfortunately the moment I pour in the cake batter into a cake tin, my hubby when to the kitchen. No surprise anymore haha!..

He smile and I remember I made him guess what cake I'm baking that time. He answered, "Banana Cake!" with a  wide smile.. haha! He really could read my mind or maybe dia nampak hilang suda tu pisang..? hahaha.. :P

Okay, scroll down for the recipe. :)

26 February 2013

My February Baking

Okay enough with the LBLG stories, now moves to my February 2013 baking. :D

 As you know I am so in love with baking. It's so addicting. Couldn't agree more with Vera Peter. She's so into baking too. It was her who dragged me into this baking world. I just ventured the baking world last September 2012. I'm still new. There are still a lot of things I have to learn.

25 February 2013

More Pics of LBLG

Here are another pictures of our last LBLG. I don't have much pictures as I was using iphone only that time. I forgot to bring my camera haha.. 

Most of my pictures were blur and got noise. So I share with you here the least I got for you to view. :)

20 February 2013

Ladies Blogger Lunch Gathering 2013

The Ladies Blogger Lunch Gathering was held on last Saturday at around 12pm at Airways Putatan. Honestly, I was so looking forward to the gathering.

I actually baked a birthday cake (red velvet cake) for my bro the night before. I went to bed at about 1.30pm and woke up the next day early in the morning to finished up the decoration of the cake. Deep in my heart, I was thinking to bring my moist chocolate cake to the gathering as my humble gift to fellow bloggers, but i didn't manage to bake it. I feel slightly bad about it. Well, never mind. There's always next time.. isn't it.. :D

17 February 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

I suppose to post about the Ladies Blogger Lunch Gathering which was held yesterday. But i think i should post about V-Day first before proceed to the LBLG post.

Our Valentine's Day this year wasn't as fancy as years before. I decided to only stay at home rather to dine out. After all, it is Lenten Season. Therefore, I don't want to celebrate it with too much food or at some expensive restaurant. The Lenten season is all about less food and living in a modest life.

13 February 2013

CNY 2013

How is your Chinese New Year Celebration so far?.. It's the 4th day of CNY. I bet it must be fun and wonderful. Kids and youngsters must be so happy too with the angpows and fireworks. The adults busy with the family gathering and eating, eating and eating. Talking about eating, I think I gained few kgs because of the eating feast. Oh my gosh!

Our CNY celebration this year is not that really huge. Honestly, we don't really celebrate CNY. A simple lunch on the 1st day of CNY just to mark a family gathering on CNY. I do have the blood of Chinese but it is from my great great grandfather. My great great grandpa is purely from Hong Kong. His daughter (my grandma) married to my grandpa who is a Kadazanese from Papar.  And his granddaughter (my mom) married to my dad who is from Tuaran. That made me KadazanDusun.

06 February 2013

My 1st Cheongsam

Yay, finally I got my 1st Cheongsam. It's really exciting. I am so happy that finally I got a Cheongsam for the gathering. And honestly, I can't wait to wear it.. :D

Oh, I guess you must still remember I posted about Cheongsam with the titled Cheongsam oh Cheongsam! few days ago. I reviewed the place I searched for Cheongsam, prices range and the reason I want to buy a Cheongsam. 

I went to Megalong yesterday evening with hubby and lil' gabriel. Hunting for Cheongsam on this final week before CNY was never easy.  At last, we went to 2nd floor and found this two Cheongsams. It's pink and the other one is purple-white color.

05 February 2013

Moist Chocolate Cake (New Recipe)

I was trying to find a new recipe for Moist Chocolate Cake. I googled for it and I found this one blog, Love2cook Malaysia.  Looking at her recipe, it looks tasty and tempting. The recipe and the method looks quite easy to follow.

Therefore, I baked a Moist Chocolate Cake for my brother as he celebrate his 30th birthday. I was nervous at first to get the respond from the whole family, as this is  my 1st time trying this recipe.

To my surprise everyone was like " Punya sedap... macam mana ko buat ni?.. Sedap oh.. boleh jual suda ni..".. was funny to see the reactions of each of them. Even my mom said," Boleh ka buat lagi saya mau kasi father..".. And I said.. "Bulih ba.. ".

To be honest this recipe is far more better than the moist chocolate cake recipe i baked before. The taste is just there, sweet and moist. No wonder everyone likes it. I like it too eventhough i am the one who baked it. Feels like it was baked by other people haha.. 

Okay here's the recipe.

04 February 2013

The Hair Color

I'm tired with my current hair. Mau ubah style konon and mau kasi kaler.

Well, I guess I let my hair getting longer first then I'll change the style. For the time being I decided to color my hair.

I am planning to color my hair since December last year, but I shifted the plan to this year. Rambut tahun baru kunun. Rambut baru, azam baru?..aiseh hehe