
28 December 2012

The Christmas Celebration

Hello Dear readers,

How's you Christmas celebration so far? I bet it must be fabulous and fun! But at least we should realize that the reason of the celebration is the birthday of our Lord Jesus. Amen!

The celebration of Christmas this year so interesting. As usual it was very emotional thing for me as we get to see each other and family gathering is all I want for Christmas. Nothing can compare the family gathering moment, because as we grown up especially when you have your own family, it's really hard to hold a family gathering. So Christmas Day would be a perfect day to gather all family members. :)

24 December 2012

I Can't Wait To..

Here's our Christmas Tree. It was set up about 5 days ago.The color theme is purple gold. We bought new Christmas tree for this year. Hubby said he wants a new tree this year, a taller tree. Our previous tree is 5 feet height, and this new one is 7 feet.

22 December 2012

The Love of My Life's Birthday

Dear hubby's birthday was on 17th Dec. But I decided to celebrate with him the day before as his family might set a plan to celebrate the birthday with him. I wanted some privacy of only 3 of us to celebrate his birthday. Yes, it's only hubby, me and our dear lil son.

I gave a treat at Promenade Hotel for hubby's birthday. He really liked it. Ya la kan high-tea buffet..Makan sampai kenyang ma..hehe..! 

20 December 2012

My Birthday Pics

As I promise in my last post. I'll upload few of my birthday pics. And here they are :-

 Thank you hubby for the birthday treat. :D

19 December 2012

My Birthday Dec 2012

Hi dear readers, 
It's been a while. Been busy with family matters. I promise myself to update this blog as soon as possible before Christmas. Oh yes, Christmas is around the corner. I am really excited. I bet you must be excited too!

Today I went to Karamunsing Complex to shop for Christmas Tree (well I hope it's not too late, Christmas is only 5 days to go ) and few gifts to my niece and nephew. To my surprise I ran into a gorgeous blogger friend. Siapa lagi kalau bukan si Wyne haha.. :D She's really a happy go lucky person. The moment she saw me, she shouts my name..haha.. It was really nice to see her in person. I hope to see more of her soon together with other blogger friends too. :D

Okay, let's move to 'My Birthday' story. 

15 December 2012

Heartbreaking :(

I supposed to post about my birthday celebration. But I can't help to write about my feeling about this.

How can that particular people think about pulling a trigger towards those young children in school. The children must be terrified and crying during the scene.

My heart totally broken when I heard about the news. 20 young children become victims. The parents must be too shock to received the news and I can't even imagine how would they felt towards the tragedy.

My prayer with the victims and their family as well. Hope they gain strength to face the day, towards the tragedy. They lost their precious child towards that particular lunatic people. And I read that the shooter also was killed. He killed himself.

Full news, please read HERE

13 December 2012

Happy Birthday to Me (Sneak Peek)

It's 15 minutes before my birthday ends. Happy Birthday to me. :D
I had a great day today and thank you so much to dear hubby for being there on my birthday. He took a day off from his work to spend time with me and Gabriel.
I really apprecite it.

Thank you so much to all family members , relatives and friends for sending some warm thoughts, wishes and prayers on my facebook wall, sms's and even on Facebook message and email as well. GOD bless you and prayer for your health too. :D

Brownie with Vanilla Ice-Cream for Birthday eve treat.

Okay, I need to go to bed now. 
Will write more about my birthday in my next post. :D

12 December 2012


Wow it's a rare date. 12.12.12.
I know a blogger friend whom birthday is today. She is a blogger friend, Lydia Andrew. :)

Wah, this must be a very special date for her. Once in a lifetime. :)  
Ada celebrate besar-besaran ka tu Lydia?..hehe

By the way, good wishes and blessings for those who're celebrating birthday, getting married and engagement today. :)

Okay, it's 1.11am. I'm going to bed now. See you again.:)

Thank you for visiting here. 
Take care. :)

p/s:  I'll be a year older tomorrow. :)

11 December 2012

My Humble Pavlova

 My Humble Pavlova

This is my latest baking. My humble Pavlova, Birds' Nest inspired by Anna Olson. I don't have berries fruit, therefore I used any fruits that available in my refrigerator.

The recipe was so simple though. Except it was quite challenging to create the bird nest.
I will post the recipe soon. 

So how is your preparation for Christmas?.. It is 13 days until Christmas 2012. Exciting isn't it?.. :D

Till then, take care. :)

10 December 2012

Relaxing Place..

A friend, Ms Beverley gave us a gift that I never think of. She was my classmate back in secondary school, but we're still keep in touch on and off, mostly in Facebook. Yes, everyone is busy with their own things, and would meet again on occasions like birthdays or weddings. She gave us a gift during my lil son, Gabriel 1st birthday celebration on last August.

As usual, everyone would give birthday presents to Gabriel, however, to my surprise this thoughtful friend of mine rather gave us a gift. I was touched the moment I read her small note on a little cute card.

06 December 2012

Vanilla Lava Cake /Molten Cake

Hello dear readers, 
For this post I'll share the recipe of Vanilla Lava Cake. Several friends requested for this recipe, so here it is. I'll jot down here the ingredients and method.

I got this recipe from a friend, Ms Arlene. She got the recipe from internet and it was nice of her to share with me the recipe. However, I improvised it a bit due to my needs and comfort. Such as the butter instead of putting it all in one stick, I just added 6 tablespoon. And for the sugar, instead of 1 cup, I only used 4 tablespoon. 

First of all, I should send my thank you to Nadia too, a blogger friend who requested me to give a try to bake this cake. To my surprise it turned out nice and taste so good! My hubby really loves this cake. He can finish 2 vanilla lava cakes in a row..haha!

Ok, let us start now with the ingredients. :D

Sneak Peak of Our Wedding Anniversary Album

Here is a sneak peak of our wedding anniversary album. 
It will be done in 2 weeks time. :D

Credit to Life Bridal

We paid a wedding anniversary package from Life Bridal on last February, did the fitting and shooting on October and the album will be completed in 2 weeks time; it would be before Christmas. 
Excited and can't wait! :D

04 December 2012

My Favourite Month of The Year


Indeed. December is my favorite month of the year. In fact it's my favorite month for every year. Well who's doesn't?.. I bet most of you will be the same isn't it?.. :D Most of our friends might booked for holiday destinations or had sent their leave applications. Well whatever it is, it's for the very holiday season. Everybody is exciting. The HOLIDAY mood is in the air.. :P

I'm counting days for CHRISTMAS celebration. But not only that, I'm counting for BIRTHDAYS and ANNIVERSARY too. (yeay!) 

9 DAYS until my Birthday and 13 DAYS to hubby's Birthday. 24 DAYS to our 5th Wedding Anniversary.

Wow! It's SO exciting. :D