11 May 2011

Week 25

Hi everyone.. How is your day?.. Hope all is fine and smooth. Today i am so happy dear hubby singgah turun KK. Actually dia ada hal mau urus di HQ di KK, so tengahari dia ambil kesempatan singgah sini rumah..Wow happynya saya dpt lunch sama2 dgn dia. But the sad part is, he went back to Kudat already around 4.00pm.. Tapi tidak apa, Friday is around the corner..tidak lama lagi dia balik KK lah tu.. :)

 It's week 25. Yes, i am in week 25 now. So, the progress is perut semakin membesar and selera saya pun semakin bertambah.. Kadang2 sya takut juga terus melonjak naik berat badan saya. Can you imagine setiap malam saya 2 kali dinner..aduii... Cepat lapar bah sya.. However, i try to control juga la sikit2, nanti kalau terlampau kenyang semput pula haha.. So far berat sya baru 3kg ja naik. 

And another one is, kaki sya pun start suda pandai cramp, but not really that bad lah.. The baby pula now semakin aktif. Selalu bergerak2, especially time malam and time sya tidur. Kadang2 sya pandai terkejut sebab trus tiba2 dia kick di dlm sana haha..

Hmm.. i'm really can't wait to welcome my baby. We scanned it last Monday and doctor confirm it as baby boy.. :)

Okay, that's it for now.. Will update lagi later ok.. Take care :)


  1. waaa bakal2 baby boy ka sis? hehe...baa take care! :)

  2. Nah. Xlama lagi ada starring d rumah. hehe :)

  3. dapat jg mkn telur grg d rumah heheheh.. :p

  4. Michelle Sung:

    Ya..itu la tu hehe..

    Richard CM:
    Iya ba..hehe..:)

  5. waaa baby boy!! nda jg ko m'idam mcm2? hihi. ba take care kio..

  6. Aww baby boy... mesti dia hensem tu lain kali bila suda besar kan heehe.

    Wow sia nda pernah test baby tendang di perut o, sia mo try ni. Tunggu lain kali la bila sia ada baby sendiri wahahaa...

  7. So sweet... Hehehe... Stella, semua orang skrng ni sedang menunggu starring ko ni... Nanti sdah kluar, kami datang melawat k... Hehehe... Mesti hensem baby ko tu stella... Ikut mcm daddy dia yang hensem dan mummy dia yang cantik... Huhuhu... Sya pula yang terus tdk sabar2 mau ada baby juga... Hehehe...

  8. Oh Goodness! Havent visited ur page for quite sometimes now as workloads prohibited me to do so and as well update my blog~winks~
    AND NOW, u r already hitting 25th week..
    Wow! this is just great!!!! CONGRATZ!A simple prayer for you will always be in my list from no onwards..
    Tke cre!

  9. Baby boy? wow, your hubby mesti sangat happy sbb ada kawan wrestling haha...*psst, anak lelaki ngam sama mom*

    Psal dinner 2x tu, makan biskut yang less sugar paling bagus.

    Anyway, you take care ya!

  10. Hi Stella,

    Wah, adalah kamu punya bodyguard ni kan hehehe, what a wonderful feeling when you feel the kick :) m myself pun x sabar ni hahaha

  11. :) congrats stella..baby boy. bah, take care kio.. hehe..

  12. Diana:
    sedang fikir2 la ni apa nama mo bagi hehe

    ya baby boy.. teda juga la sya mengidam mcm2.. :)

    haha..harap2 la dia hensem ni kalau suda besar.. cute dan hensem la org bilang..yg bagus2 seja.. Hahaha..funny lah ko ni arms, ada ka ko mo try kena kick dlm perut..aduiyai.. tnya bakal wife ko nnti mcm mana rasa dia..hahaha

  13. MosePA:
    Saya pun nda sabar tunggu starring sya ni keluar MosePA..hehe.. Tu la harapan ibu bapa dia adalah anak yg baik dan beriman.. Hensem dan cute adalah bonus lah..lg bagus kan kalau hensem dan cute lg hehe.. Aduiyai..mama sm bapa dia hensem dan lawa ka?..terima kasih la hehehe.. :P

    Ya, it's been long time u didn't visit here.. Btw, thanks for visiting here and thank you for your prayer too.. So sweet of u..:)

    Ya, ada la suda kwn hubby sya berwrestling ni nanti hehe.. oppss, ya ka, anak lelaki ngam sama mom ka?..bgus la..:)
    Ya, yg pasal dinner tu sya cuba mkn ringan2 seja ni wyne.. :) TQ

  14. Vera Peter:
    Ya mmg wonderful feeling oh vera.. :) Ba cepat2 kawin..cepat2 buat baby hehehe..:)

    TQ..same to you.. Sya mo tau juga apa baby ko..entah2 baby boy juga kan hehehe..

  15. wah tidak sabar sa mau jadi mcm ko stelle..

    wah nanti ada la suda kawan ko d rumah kan

    stelle sa pun tidak tau knp tidak dapat comment tu,,,,nanti sa fix ah

  16. Wow...Congratsss for the baby boy and take care.

  17. wah! there will be a Richard Jr soon ;-) kasi post bah gambar yg ko tgh preggers...mesti cantik tu ;-)

  18. congrats to you for finding out that you and hubby are having a baby boy! I know the feeling coz it was the same with us too when we first found out about the sex of our baby :) anyhow, you have a lovely blog here, take care and enjoy your pregnancy! :)

  19. wah ko minum lah soya bean and letak kaki atas bantal so dat nda bengkak kaki ko nanti-thts wat my mom advise my aunty when she get preganant ::)

  20. wah! baby boy kah?? siuknya...take care stella..


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