
26 June 2013

Wordless Wednesday : Yoga

Trying to do yoga everyday. I am a beginner. :)

24 June 2013

Mango Cheesecake (Baked)

Hello guys!
Happy Monday. How's your Monday so far?.. I hope it shall be great, though we're in the midst of bad air condition. The haze is getting worse day by day. Just make sure you stay at home, shut the doors and windows. For those who're at outside, just remember to put on face mask, ok..

19 June 2013

Father's Day 2013

Father's Day this year was quite special for me, although we celebrated the event over only a simple lunch and dinner. Yes, we celebrated over a lunch for my daddy, while dinner for my hubby's daddy.

This year was a special because I get to baked cuppies for my daddy for the first time. I mean, I baked for the first time for father's day. I never bake anything before for Father's day. All these years, i would buy cakes from my fav cake shop in Damai.

12 June 2013

Aiskrim Goreng (Fried Ice Cream)

I'm so happy my fried ice cream was a success! :)

I made fried ice cream for the first time today and i was amazed how the ice cream still hold its originality without melting or changing in shape. It didn't spills out from the bread too.

11 June 2013

Chocolate Cake Pops

Chocolate Cake Pops

Hi dear friends, this is my 1st time to do Chocolate Cake Pops. Quite interesting and it's fun. I used the Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe to do this cake pops.

09 June 2013

Butter Cheesecake Recipe

Today I'm gonna share with you Butter Cheesecake recipe. I baked this for the first time and glad it turned out good. I love the texture and the taste was just nice. :)

I found the recipe HERE and decided to bake it. The recipe was quite simple and easy to follow.

07 June 2013

What a Surprise!

Hi dear friends,
I am sorry if I keep you waiting for this post. Some of you might dying to know what it's all about. Friends keep questioning and guessing about the 'surprise'. 

Well, as usual i was busy with baking and taking care of my active toddler. Trust me, I myself can't wait to spread the happiness. But due to other important task, I have to hold the news for a while. Ya.. ya.. some might say why don't I just burst it out on FB and Instagram, well i choose to blog it out..haha! :P

04 June 2013

I'm Getting Better

Honestly year 2013 has been never good for me in term of health. I was attacked with flu, fever, sore throat and cough since early of this year. 

I was just recovered from flu and cough a week ago, when 2 days ago i was attacked again with flu, cough, sore throat and this time with short breath and chest pain.

01 June 2013

Mother's Day Cake Ideas

Hello dear readers!

How is your holiday/ kaamatan celebration so far?.. I hope it's a fun festival with a lot of food and memorable family and friends gathering throughout the celebration.