
31 May 2013

Kotobian Tadau Tagazo Do Kaamatan

Kotobian Tadau Tagazo Do Kaamatan. (Happy Harvest Festival)
Us in Kadazan Traditional Costume.

The Kadazan Dusun Murut ethic will celebrate Harvest Festival on the month of May every year. And the celebration is at the peak on 31st of May.

So, I take this opportunity to wish Happy Harvest Festival. Remember to not drink too much. Drink in moderation only ok..

Happy Holiday. And take care :)

p/s: pssst gambar lama bah tu.. :P
mau pigi ambil gmbr pakai baju kadazan tapi tidak sempat suda hehee 

27 May 2013

Moist Butter Cake Recipe

Hello dear readers,
How is your last weekend?.. I hope all was good and yes i know today is Monday. Most people will say about Blue Monday and things like that.  But it's okay, life is like that. Just move on and you'll see what the rest of the week brings you.

Well, today I would like to share a recipe, in which a friend requested from me. I posted a butter cake photo on Instagram and she asked for recipe. To make things easy, I'll definitely share the recipe here on my blog so that most of my friend will get the recipe. Oh that was generous enough, right?.. haha

25 May 2013

A Blogger Friend's Wedding & Mother's Day 2013

Hi dear readers,

This post was supposed to be posted about 2 weeks ago. Due to busy with my lil boy and baking projects, I have to hold on this post for a while until today. :D

So, today I like to share with you these photos of a blogger friend who had tied knot  on 11th May 2013.

18 May 2013

More Pics of Ladies Blogger Gathering May 2013


Here are more pics of our gathering on 11th May 2013. No, i wouldn't put all of them here. I mean i'll pick the best to share with you. In fact there were about 176 photos altogether. There wouldn't enough space for all of them here hehe.. 

So here are they:-

 cutting cake.. :)

15 May 2013

Ladies Blogger Gathering May 2013

Hello! It's been a while. 

I really miss blogging. I'm too busy nowadays with these baking projects. I have to bake another rainbow cake this evening. Because of these baking projects, I seldom blogging/bloghopping, Insta-ing, Fb-ing and Keek-ing. But I still do have time to chatting/whatsapps-ing/ viber-ing with my close friends. :)

07 May 2013

KL Trip April 2013 (continue)

Hi dear friends!

How are you today?.. The weather was so hot this morning but now it turns to heavy rain. But it's okay. At least we don't have to gone through the hot weather for the whole day.

KL Trip April 2013

Hello dear friends,

As i promised, I'm going to put a post about my trip in KL. As i mentioned in my previous post, we went there for a week. It was only a few days walking around a few place in KL and Selangor as hubby was actually attending 3 days courses in Subang.