
31 January 2013

Cheongsam Oh Cheongsam!

Today I'm gonna write about Cheongsam. Eh why Cheongsam?..haha

Well, as today is the last day of January, we will be entering the month of LOVE. Yes, we're welcoming February with warm heart.

As we all know, Chinese New Year also falls on February. Wyne, our fellow blogger has conducting the Ladies Blogger Lunch Gathering and she invites me and I guess most of the ladies blogger in KK too. I think she conducting this gathering together with another fellow blogger, Just.

The criteria of the gathering, you have to wear Cheongsam. 

30 January 2013

Instagram oh Instagram!

Ever since I introduced with Instagram, I hooked with it. Oh i tell you, it's really addicting. I started to use it in early 2012 and I find it really interesting.

I saw a blogger friend, Wency posted about Instagram. It moves me to write about it too.

What is Instagram actually?.. I know most of you who are using Android and Iphone/Ipad would know it. Well actually it is an application where you can share your pictures to your friends and family. It's up to you to share your picture publicly or only in your friendlist. There is a setting where you can set up your picture to be private or public view.

29 January 2013

Strawberry Lava Cake/ Strawberry Fondant

Hello dear readers,
How is your week so far?.. I hope everything is good.
Today I would like to share about this new recipe. This is my 1st new recipe of the year. 

Actually it is not that new. It is a lava cake with strawberry flavor instead of chocolate. A blogger friend, Lydia requested for lava cake with strawberry flavor. Honestly, I haven't bake a Strawberry fondant before and this would be my try an error recipe.

28 January 2013

Les Miserables

Les Miserables, the first movie I watched for 2013. It is a British musical drama film, and it was my very 1st time to watch a musical film too. Hubby and I watched it at GSC Suria Sabah on last Saturday (19th Jan ).

I was actually planning to watch The Impossible, which I saw its poster in Michelle Sung's Instagram. She even wrote a review about it in her blog. And from it I understand that this movie has a touching storyline and for sure you will shed tears while you watching it in the cinema hall.

So, to avoid the shed tears, I told hubby "Let us watch Les Miserables instead".. 

18 January 2013

Reminiscing 2012

Hi, it's been a week I didn't post any entry here. I have been so occupied with my little boy. Feels like he growing up so fast. And it led me to focus more on him. 

He doesn't want to play with his toys alone. He always pull my hand, asking me to play along with him (if hubby aren't around). He always seeks attention to me and his daddy.. Now, as he's taking his afternoon nap, I like to slip in this little time to update my blog. 

Well, this is my 3rd post of the year 2013. So, i would like to do some reminiscent of the year 2012. 

10 January 2013

A Short Trip to KL

Hi dear readers,
I think it's been a while since my last post. Today I would do some update. Just a short update.

Actually now I am at the Precint 3 Putrajaya. Yes I've been in KL since yesterday. Hubby got an interview in Putrajaya. In fact, now he is on the 6th floor for the interview while here I am at the ground floor waiting patiently for him. So to kill time, i think i should do some blog update.

04 January 2013

First Post for 2013

Hello dear readers,
How are you?..How was your Christmas and New Year celebration? How is your New Year so far?.. 

Today we are in the fourth day of the year 2013. Thank you GOD that we are actually still can breath and live happily here on earth. The Mayan calendar and the prediction of  'the end of the world' somehow freaked out a lot of people. Well, for me as a Christian, it's hard for me to believe things like that. I actually believe that only God knows the actual date of 'the end of the world'. No human, or even angels know about the date, only GOD himself.