
29 May 2011

Kotobian Tadau Kaamatan

Tadau Kaamatan or Harvest Festival is a celebration by the communities of KadazanDusun & Murut in Sabah, East Malaysia since long time ago. It is an annual event to pay respect to the spirit of paddy. This event always been celebrated after the harvest of paddy done. Kaamatan is celebrated in the month of May every year and the peak of the celebration which is mark as public holiday in Malaysia calendar fall on 30th and 31th May.

Compare to longtime ago where Kaamatan were celebrated in more ritual ways, nowadays Kaamatan celebrated in modern ways but still maintaining it's traditional elements. Most of the Kadazan will wear its traditional costume on this day. The activities during the event including Sumazau (traditional dance), Unduk Ngadau (Beauty Contest), Sugandoi (singing competition), traditional games, traditional food exhibition and etc.

 Kadazan Traditional Costume

Kadazan Traditional Dance, Sumazau

 Kadazan Singing Contest, Sugandoi

Beauty Contest, Unduk Ngadau

One of the Kadazan traditional dish, Hinava. (raw fish marinated in citrus fruit.)

So i take this opportunity to wish  
Kotobian Tadau Kaamatan or Happy Harvest Festival.

Don't drink and drive ok.. :D

Take care.. and GOD bless.

26 May 2011

Kundasang Trip

We were in Kundasang a week ago. And i am thinking to share it with you. For an info, that was the first time of the year 2011 for us to arranged a trip to Kundasang as well as first ever since I'm pregnant. Honestly, at my earlier stage of pregnancy i can't go anywhere because of the bad morning sickness. Thank GOD it's all over towards the end of 5 month of pregnancy.

Therefore i take this opportunity to jalan-jalan with dear hubby. I was in 26 weeks of pregnancy (now 27 weeks and will enter 28 in 3 days), so i guess it was still okay for me to jalan-jalan makan angin hehe.. Lagipun mcm lama suda tidak jalan-jalan, bosan pula terperap di rumah. We went there for 2 days and 1 night. Kami stay di Mount Kinabalu Heritage Resort & Spa. 

Wow, the resort was not bad. The room was comfortable enough and the scenery was really amazing. Melepaskan diri sekejap dari bandar yang sibuk, lagipun cuaca di KK yg sgt panas, berada di Kundasang dengan udara yg nyaman, memang menyegarkan.. :) Actually ini adalah quick plan. Means hari ni terfikir mau pigi Kundasang, hari ni juga book bilik then bisuk trus bertolak pigi sana.. starring kan haha..

Okay, now i share with you some pictures.. Enjoy!..:)

 bilik yang comfy.. :)

 us at one of the chalet veranda

 spectacular view of Mt Kinabalu

 Ambil gmbr kenangan dgn gunung hehe

 sempat melawat ke Rose Garden

 us at Strawberry Garden tp sayangnya buah strawberry belum bnyk berbuah

 Ada buah strawberry tapi kecil saja uhuuhu

 Sempat ke pasar Kundasang.. can you see the colorful fruits?.. cantik oh kan... :)

And this is me at 26 weeks :D

Okay that is all for now.. So, siapa-siapa teringin pigi Kundasang dan mau stay di Mt Kinabalu Heritage Resort & Spa, you can view the rate HERE. The rate is not bad and sepa-sepa yg keja gov tu, boleh la minta gov rate sebab gov rate lebih murah. :D

Take care and GOD bless.

16 May 2011

Week 26

Hello everyone.. How is your day?.. I am so sorry because of the late update. It was because the blogger site was under maintenance for few days. That's why i can't update my blog and i notice that it affects my previous entry. I noticed that the comments for my previous entry were deleted. Sebelum ni ada 21 komen utk entri bertarikh 11 May 2011, tiba-tiba selepas blogger punya site under maintenance, the comments tinggal 7 lagi.. I am so sorry for those yg suda pegi komen dlm entri berkenaan, bukan saya yg delete ok.. Entah kenapa dia hilang sendiri.. Adui mcm2 saja, and the problem is i can't retrieve the comments back.. What to do.. hmm..

Oh now i remember, today is Hari Guru kan.. So, i take this opportunity to wish Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers out there.. and for those who will celebrating Wesak Day tomorrow, Happy Wesak Day to you..:D

Well, as for my pregnancy update, today i enter week 26 already and that makes 14 weeks to go for delivery. Wow.. agak nervous juga saya, but at the same time tidak sabar hehe.. Saya tidak sabar mau tingu muka dia.. Entah ikut siapa la muka dia nanti. Follow mine or daddy's face.. Hmmm.. kita tingu la nanti mcm mana k.. hehe..

And according to , what is happening of our baby in this week 26 is the baby’s organs start to mature. As the baby’s brain begins to develop, the ear nerves also start to formed. The baby will be able to learn and remember things or voices that he hears. At this stage, the baby measures about 23cm and weighs 910gm.. :D

Okay that is all for now. Thanks for reading my blog.. Have a fun week ahead. :)

Btw, this photo yg masa pregnancy saya 21 weeks. Yang latest punya nanti la saya upload for next entry.. :)

11 May 2011

Week 25

Hi everyone.. How is your day?.. Hope all is fine and smooth. Today i am so happy dear hubby singgah turun KK. Actually dia ada hal mau urus di HQ di KK, so tengahari dia ambil kesempatan singgah sini rumah..Wow happynya saya dpt lunch sama2 dgn dia. But the sad part is, he went back to Kudat already around 4.00pm.. Tapi tidak apa, Friday is around the corner..tidak lama lagi dia balik KK lah tu.. :)

 It's week 25. Yes, i am in week 25 now. So, the progress is perut semakin membesar and selera saya pun semakin bertambah.. Kadang2 sya takut juga terus melonjak naik berat badan saya. Can you imagine setiap malam saya 2 kali dinner..aduii... Cepat lapar bah sya.. However, i try to control juga la sikit2, nanti kalau terlampau kenyang semput pula haha.. So far berat sya baru 3kg ja naik. 

And another one is, kaki sya pun start suda pandai cramp, but not really that bad lah.. The baby pula now semakin aktif. Selalu bergerak2, especially time malam and time sya tidur. Kadang2 sya pandai terkejut sebab trus tiba2 dia kick di dlm sana haha..

Hmm.. i'm really can't wait to welcome my baby. We scanned it last Monday and doctor confirm it as baby boy.. :)

Okay, that's it for now.. Will update lagi later ok.. Take care :)

10 May 2011

Home Alone

Home alone. Yes, i am all alone here at home in KK. My hubby away in Kudat. Saya sengaja tidak ikut dia pigi kudat, coz cuaca skrg amat panas di kudat. Plus, the house in kudat is a government kuarters. Faham-faham saja lah kalau kuarters kerajaan yg jenis lama punya ni, rumah papan.. kalau tengahari puuuu...nya panasss...aduii.. After all, in my pregnancy stage now most of the time i feel hot.. Saya cepat rasa kepanasan mungkin kerana aliran darah saya semakin aktif. 

I feel sad juga berjauhan dgn dia..but never mind maybe will follow him la next week. Since sya saturang ja sini rumah [actually rumah sini kk pun panas juga tp ada aircond..hehe.. :P ] , so mkn sorang2 la.. So masak sendiri for lunch and dinner and mkn sendiri2 lah.. 
Pictures below adalah masakan for today's dinner. Simple2 ja.. Just want to share with you.. :)

 Today's Dinner..

 Closed-up.. Simple ja kan..

By the way, especially for yogurt lover, did you come across with new yogurt flavor for Nestle brand?..I don't know how long it has been on the market, but I find it delicious. :)
 New flavor- peach mango yogurt

begini lah rupa dia..warna kuning2.. mcm rupa telur ayam yg kena kacau hehe

Ok..that's it for today.. So what's your dinner menu for today?..
Till then, have a blessed Tuesday.

09 May 2011

Mother's Day..

Mother's day celebration this year is simple enough.. We celebrated it at home with family. I bought chocolate cake and a gift to my mom.. and we had dinner at my parent's home. I am very grateful that i still have my mom today and to spent time with her on this special day (Mother's day).. It must be really meaningful thing to her for us as her daughters/sons to gathered altogether during this occasion.

So how about your Mother's Day celebration?..

I was really touched when dear hubby wish me 'Happy Mother's Day'.. Honestly i never thought of it or even expected of it.. Haha..lupa suda yang nda lama lg sya jadi mama..:P
 It was very sweet of him..

07 May 2011

Babies' first foods may have lasting impact on health

Health professionals have long known about the benefits of breastfeeding for babies, but new research reveals that the food babies eat in their first days of life may have a long-term impact on their health.

Presented May 2 in the US at the Pediatric Academic Societies, the results of the study conducted at Claude Bernard University in Lyon, France showed that babies who were breastfed for the first four months of life had lower blood pressure at the age of three compared to high protein formula-fed babies.

Breastfed babies also had slightly larger heads than those who ate low-protein formula. In addition, infants who were breastfed for the first 15 days of life had lower levels of insulin in their blood compared to formula-fed babies, although this difference disappeared by the time the babies reached nine months old.

Both groups fell within the normal range for blood pressure and head size, but the study raises questions as to what long-term impact, if any, this may have on a baby's life, and whether the difference disappears in time.

"It appears that formula feeding induces differences in some hormonal profiles as well as in patterns of growth compared with breastfeeding," study researcher Dr. Guy Putet said in a statement. "The long-term consequences of such changes are not well understood in humans and may play a role in later health."

The researchers suggest that the amount of protein in the babies' diet might be a possible factor in these differences. Breastfeeding is best, Putet said, but as a second option, feed your baby with a formula that produces a growth and hormone pattern similar to that of breastfed babies. Talk to your pediatrician about the best options for your baby.

Prior studies have shown that breastfeeding offers a myriad of benefits for babies, including reduced risk of obesity and diabetes, lower rates of respiratory problems, less incidences of eczema, fewer ear infections, stomach infections, and chest infections, and a possibly reduced risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

The World Health Organization and UNICEF recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life.


Stella says: 
Breastfeed is the best food for newborn babies. I hope i can fully breastfeed my coming soon baby. And hoping that i can produce enough milk for him.. :)

05 May 2011

RON 97 to cost 20 sen more from today

PETALING JAYA: The price of premium petrol RON 97 will be increased by 20 sen to RM2.90 per litre today.

Malaysian Petrol Dealers Asso­ciation president Datuk Hashim Othman, who confirmed this, said the price hike would be effective at midnight yesterday.

“The price of RON 97 currently fluctuates as the Government has lifted the subsidy for this petrol,” he said.

He added that the recent occurrences of global natural disasters and the political instability in the Middle East had caused an increase in crude oil prices.

Hashim said crude oil prices dipped slightly after the United States announced the death of terrorist Osama bin Laden.

“The price of RON 97 might go down in the future, but that depends on the political situation in the Middle East,” he said.

“Natural disasters will also affect the price.”

Hashim, however, added that the price of RON 95, which is subsidised, would stay at RM1.90 per litre.

Last month, Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai told Parliament that the Government had spent RM23.1bil on oil subsidies in 2010 compared with RM33.2bil in 2008.

He added that the Government had only allowed an increase of RON 97 petrol prices and left RON 95 unchanged to ensure that the people were not economically burdened.

source: The Star

Stella says:
Another increase for petrol price..hmm.. It is expected though. Increase in petrol price seem occurred every year.