
10 May 2011

Home Alone

Home alone. Yes, i am all alone here at home in KK. My hubby away in Kudat. Saya sengaja tidak ikut dia pigi kudat, coz cuaca skrg amat panas di kudat. Plus, the house in kudat is a government kuarters. Faham-faham saja lah kalau kuarters kerajaan yg jenis lama punya ni, rumah papan.. kalau tengahari puuuu...nya panasss...aduii.. After all, in my pregnancy stage now most of the time i feel hot.. Saya cepat rasa kepanasan mungkin kerana aliran darah saya semakin aktif. 

I feel sad juga berjauhan dgn dia..but never mind maybe will follow him la next week. Since sya saturang ja sini rumah [actually rumah sini kk pun panas juga tp ada aircond..hehe.. :P ] , so mkn sorang2 la.. So masak sendiri for lunch and dinner and mkn sendiri2 lah.. 
Pictures below adalah masakan for today's dinner. Simple2 ja.. Just want to share with you.. :)

 Today's Dinner..

 Closed-up.. Simple ja kan..

By the way, especially for yogurt lover, did you come across with new yogurt flavor for Nestle brand?..I don't know how long it has been on the market, but I find it delicious. :)
 New flavor- peach mango yogurt

begini lah rupa dia..warna kuning2.. mcm rupa telur ayam yg kena kacau hehe

Ok..that's it for today.. So what's your dinner menu for today?..
Till then, have a blessed Tuesday.


  1. saya suka tgk tu yogurt sama tu makanan.. buat saya kelaparan.. heheheh.. ala sya mau balik awal ni mau jumpa dear..

  2. hello Stella, you have a lovely meal here.. hope u feel not so lonely now..

  3. hi stella, sya dtg mau menemani ko ni tau...hehe..dtg virtually ja la. looks yummy pla ur dinner ni. Take care lbih2 klo sorng2 tu aa..(lamanya nda sya mlawat d cni)

  4. sdap kn tu peach manggo. tym sy masi study dlu ituuu sj blk2 sy bli. but now, mcm lama sdh sy x mnum yogurt o..dlu2 sj rjin knun mo mnum. hihi.. ba take care ko kio sturng2 drmh.

  5. Mesti hubby ko merajuk tu kan cuz you didn't follow him wakakaa.

    Eniweiz, wow your masakan looks so sedap. I bet the taste even more sedap haaha. Damn the eggs looks so delicious... but why in the world are your sausages so little. If me, 3 kali ganda tu taaaw.

    Aaa yogurt... for me, it's perfect for breakfast ;)

  6. Your egg looks so nice. Seems like you made heart shape.

    In between, congratulation on your pregnancy, Stella. :)

    By the way, just want to inform you that I had a lil surprised to my 51 followers and you one of them. Do check it out and hopes you like it :)

  7. hi stel.. mmg panas melampau2 skrg ni. ko lg la.. extra panas!

    my mom n son are yogurt lover. I think semua flavour sdh pernah kasi beli durang. hahahah..

    u take care kio..

  8. Wow... Telur... favorite sya tu... Huhuhu... Stella... CONGRATULATION!!! Wahhh... Tdk lama lagi ada orang dapat gelaran baru o.... Father and Mother... Wahhh... Bah, jaga kesihatan bagus2... Jgn tension2... Hehehe.... Kirim salam dengan Richard kio... Hehehe...

  9. Hi mom to be,

    The food and yogurt are simply irresistible, hehehe, me oso a yogurt lover ni, dulu if pi kl, se angkut bah semua tu yogurt bliss, murah kan time tu RM 2.99 saja, sampai penuh and berat bag ni hehehe

  10. wa sedap2 tu makanan ko, its important to eat only highly nutritious food during pregnancy.. :)

  11. wah..ini pun selalu jd meal of the day saya..hee..

  12. simple2 pun mcm sedap bah masakan ko tu...

  13. Richard CM:
    hehe..cepat balik..:P

    Thanks..I hope so..

    Ya lama ko x dtg melawat..hehe..TQ kasi kwn sya hehe

    oh lama suda pula ni yogurt flavor kan.. sedap kan.. ok, will do :)

  14. Arms:
    merajuk juga la dia sikit2 hehehe..
    Boleh2 la org bilang tu masakan.. haha itu sosej ada lg ba tu dlm mangkuk lain.. ni cuma hidangan d piring hehehe..

    Diana Teo:
    Thanks for the surprise hehe.. Oh yes, now i realize looks like love shaped the egg.. :)

    mmg panas skrg.. tu la extra panas lah sya ni Just..aduiii

  15. MosePA:
    Thanks you....... hehehe.. ok nnti sya kasi sampaikan salam sama dia..:)

    ko pun peminat yougurt pula.. ya sya minat ni jenama Bliss.. ya kalau d kl mmg murah tu..

    True..mau mkn makanan yg nutritious seja kunun ni..:)

    Nancy poh:
    yeay! sama pula kita..:)

    Simple pun masi blh nmpk sedap ka..hehe.. Boleh laitu kan :)
