
05 May 2011

RON 97 to cost 20 sen more from today

PETALING JAYA: The price of premium petrol RON 97 will be increased by 20 sen to RM2.90 per litre today.

Malaysian Petrol Dealers Asso­ciation president Datuk Hashim Othman, who confirmed this, said the price hike would be effective at midnight yesterday.

“The price of RON 97 currently fluctuates as the Government has lifted the subsidy for this petrol,” he said.

He added that the recent occurrences of global natural disasters and the political instability in the Middle East had caused an increase in crude oil prices.

Hashim said crude oil prices dipped slightly after the United States announced the death of terrorist Osama bin Laden.

“The price of RON 97 might go down in the future, but that depends on the political situation in the Middle East,” he said.

“Natural disasters will also affect the price.”

Hashim, however, added that the price of RON 95, which is subsidised, would stay at RM1.90 per litre.

Last month, Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai told Parliament that the Government had spent RM23.1bil on oil subsidies in 2010 compared with RM33.2bil in 2008.

He added that the Government had only allowed an increase of RON 97 petrol prices and left RON 95 unchanged to ensure that the people were not economically burdened.

source: The Star

Stella says:
Another increase for petrol price..hmm.. It is expected though. Increase in petrol price seem occurred every year.


  1. hi stel.. naik lg kan! then semua brg pun naik harga terus.. hmmm...

  2. la ni bikin pokai..tapi kami selalu guna RON 95 ja ni..

  3. Just:
    Ya ba naik lg.. brg2 pun ikut naik nnti tu..ish ish..

    ya kami pun pakai ron95 ni beaty... mmg bikin pokai ba..

  4. Sept 2009 - RM 2.00July 2010 - RM 2.10Nov 2010 - RM 2.15Dec 2010 - RM 2.30Jan 2011 - RM 2.40Feb 2011 - RM 2.50April 2011 - RM 2.70May 2011 - RM 2.90!.. :) This year balik2 seja sudah naik ah.,

  5. yabah, it's expected to still increase since the price of ron97 kena float di oil market price...harga minyak global naik, naik juga tu ron97...sengsara pun terpaksa la mula berjinak2 mau pakai ron95 ja...

  6. doi, mati la mcm ni kan..kalo naik lg b'pa la lg tu mo kc penuh tu tangki keta...kalo guna ron95, x dpt support tu keta sa ni..perna try suda..tpaksa la jg membeli ni if naik lg, mo cuba la blik tu ron95...

  7. Tingu la lama2 semua harga barangan naik ni..

  8. adui nek lg tu minyak.. lama2 smpai rm3 la ni.. temau pakai kreta la ni.. nek basikal sja.. environment friendly lg. haha

  9. ape de hal dengan kenaikan minyak nih.janji jangan naik harga barang sudah.

    tapi kompem,memang naik punya lah.cilakak betul lah.

    hye stella...lama tak jenguk sini

  10. Aiya... Tidak lah sya terbeli kreta ni kalau begini lah keadaan... Kepunan kreta...

    Inda apa bah, pilihan raya mau dekat sdah ni... Kasi biar jah bah tu government kasi naik, kita tingu apa reaksi dan keputusan pilihan raya tahun depan... Hehehe...

  11. Uina... Memang betul juga lah tidk terbeli kreta nanti ni... inda apalah... Bas pun bas lah... Huhuhu...

  12. Walk the talk:
    Ya ba balik2 pula naik this year..confirm every year naik..

    chegu carol:
    tpaksa la pakai ron95 entah la manatau itu pun dia kasi naik matai la..

    nah tu yg susah klu kreta ko nda support ron95...mahal ba suda ron97 skrg..

    ya ba...pray2 la supaya tidak naik hrga brg pula..

  13. Wyne:
    zaman skrg susa mo cari brg murah2 kan..

    masalahnya kalau panas dan hujan nda praktikal kalau pakai basikal..aduyaiii

    ala...harap2 jgn la naik hrga brg... kebnykan kedai ni ambil kesempatan ba..

    Betul ckp ko..kita tingu apa akan jd nnti hehehe..

    sya lama suda nda naik bas.. yg sya nda suka naik bas sebab berhimpit2 ba sama tdk tentu tu timing bas..aduyaiii
