
26 May 2011

Kundasang Trip

We were in Kundasang a week ago. And i am thinking to share it with you. For an info, that was the first time of the year 2011 for us to arranged a trip to Kundasang as well as first ever since I'm pregnant. Honestly, at my earlier stage of pregnancy i can't go anywhere because of the bad morning sickness. Thank GOD it's all over towards the end of 5 month of pregnancy.

Therefore i take this opportunity to jalan-jalan with dear hubby. I was in 26 weeks of pregnancy (now 27 weeks and will enter 28 in 3 days), so i guess it was still okay for me to jalan-jalan makan angin hehe.. Lagipun mcm lama suda tidak jalan-jalan, bosan pula terperap di rumah. We went there for 2 days and 1 night. Kami stay di Mount Kinabalu Heritage Resort & Spa. 

Wow, the resort was not bad. The room was comfortable enough and the scenery was really amazing. Melepaskan diri sekejap dari bandar yang sibuk, lagipun cuaca di KK yg sgt panas, berada di Kundasang dengan udara yg nyaman, memang menyegarkan.. :) Actually ini adalah quick plan. Means hari ni terfikir mau pigi Kundasang, hari ni juga book bilik then bisuk trus bertolak pigi sana.. starring kan haha..

Okay, now i share with you some pictures.. Enjoy!..:)

 bilik yang comfy.. :)

 us at one of the chalet veranda

 spectacular view of Mt Kinabalu

 Ambil gmbr kenangan dgn gunung hehe

 sempat melawat ke Rose Garden

 us at Strawberry Garden tp sayangnya buah strawberry belum bnyk berbuah

 Ada buah strawberry tapi kecil saja uhuuhu

 Sempat ke pasar Kundasang.. can you see the colorful fruits?.. cantik oh kan... :)

And this is me at 26 weeks :D

Okay that is all for now.. So, siapa-siapa teringin pigi Kundasang dan mau stay di Mt Kinabalu Heritage Resort & Spa, you can view the rate HERE. The rate is not bad and sepa-sepa yg keja gov tu, boleh la minta gov rate sebab gov rate lebih murah. :D

Take care and GOD bless.


  1. mmg bagus bnykkan bejalan time preggy stel.. memudahkan proses beranak.. :D take care ya..

  2. hai mum to tgk gambar2 trip ke kundasang ni..terus x sabar p hari sabtu ni..

  3. Just:
    ya ka..bah kalau gitu, sya mau jalan bnyk2 la ni..:) Thanks!

    Farah Faridah:
    Thanks for visiting here.. :)
    Yes, absolutely Kundasang is the best place to visit :)

    Thanks :D

  4. Waiseh. Baby dalam perut pun kegirangan kena bawa jalan2 :)

  5. Ba brabis la ko jalan skrg.. nanti bpantang, gatal kaki mau jalan pun nda buli jalan..hihi.. :) all the best ya nda lama lg tu :)

  6. Angel:
    Ya ba, guyang2 dia happy haha..

    Kris and Nadia:
    Ya itu la tu nadia.. berabis la kunun ni skrg..hehe.. TQ, u take care too :)

  7. nice pic...
    untung tu baby kn, lum lg dia born suda pigi kundasang :)

  8. wah bejalan2 kamu kan stelle. bagusnya..u look gorgeous on 26th week

  9. I never been to Kundasang anymore since i left for school few years ago. I like the room. Very welcome and cozy ni.

  10. Hi Stella, syok owh jalan2 kan, nantilah tunggu our honeymoon kan jalan2 juga, happy for u sweet mommy to be, take care!

  11. Sabrina:
    thanks.. haha.. untung si baby..

    ya jalan2 kami..ya ka?..tq..:)

    ba pa lagi, kalau ada masa blh pigi kundasang..:)

    ba, nnti honeymoon berabis la kamu jalan2..:)

  12. Kundasang kundasang... I think Sabahan if not wajib baik gunung, at least wajib been to Kundasang once! Haaha even not Sabahans definitely would want to visit Kundasang!

    This reminds me...
    kinabalu dekat di kundasang,
    banyak sayur boleh pilih-pilih,
    apa guna pergi luar negeri,
    naik kinabalu,
    hati saya rindu

  13. Armstrong:
    aiseh rindu sabah ka hehehe

  14. Saya honeymoon di Kundasang, tapi ngam2 musim cuti sekolah. Gara-gara takut hotel penuh and tidak tahu kedudukan hotel2 yang lain, terpilih hotel yang boleh tahan juga cantik tapi tidak tahan betul bila masa mau mandi, mau kasi panas air macam pasang api d dapur gas pla....

  15. very nice view of mt kinabalu from where you took the pics.

    Where is this resort? Within kundasang township?

  16. when is your due..? Nice pics woh~ :) Especially the colorful fruits, pretty! :) wah, ada gov rate lg ka sna, lain kali mau try stay sna lah klau pg kundasang.. :)

  17. Zezebel:
    aduiyaii..hotel mana pula kamu pigi tu hehehe

    yes within Kundasang township.. you have to drive up to the hill at the right hand side..(if u are from KK road)

    due on August.. ya ko pigi la sana.. ok tu..ada gov rate lg..hehe
