
16 May 2011

Week 26

Hello everyone.. How is your day?.. I am so sorry because of the late update. It was because the blogger site was under maintenance for few days. That's why i can't update my blog and i notice that it affects my previous entry. I noticed that the comments for my previous entry were deleted. Sebelum ni ada 21 komen utk entri bertarikh 11 May 2011, tiba-tiba selepas blogger punya site under maintenance, the comments tinggal 7 lagi.. I am so sorry for those yg suda pegi komen dlm entri berkenaan, bukan saya yg delete ok.. Entah kenapa dia hilang sendiri.. Adui mcm2 saja, and the problem is i can't retrieve the comments back.. What to do.. hmm..

Oh now i remember, today is Hari Guru kan.. So, i take this opportunity to wish Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers out there.. and for those who will celebrating Wesak Day tomorrow, Happy Wesak Day to you..:D

Well, as for my pregnancy update, today i enter week 26 already and that makes 14 weeks to go for delivery. Wow.. agak nervous juga saya, but at the same time tidak sabar hehe.. Saya tidak sabar mau tingu muka dia.. Entah ikut siapa la muka dia nanti. Follow mine or daddy's face.. Hmmm.. kita tingu la nanti mcm mana k.. hehe..

And according to , what is happening of our baby in this week 26 is the baby’s organs start to mature. As the baby’s brain begins to develop, the ear nerves also start to formed. The baby will be able to learn and remember things or voices that he hears. At this stage, the baby measures about 23cm and weighs 910gm.. :D

Okay that is all for now. Thanks for reading my blog.. Have a fun week ahead. :)

Btw, this photo yg masa pregnancy saya 21 weeks. Yang latest punya nanti la saya upload for next entry.. :)


  1. You looked cute, moi! Bah sa tunggu ja ko post pixtor yg latest ni. Hehe..

  2. Hi stella,
    Same lor..upside down my entry..but hopefully faham juga la kan hehe...
    Take care n stay cute kio :)

  3. Cute mommy-to-be! Boleh bercakap2 da dgn baby dlm perut...hehe. Keep journaling about your pregnancy journey aa. Suka baca:)

  4. AnnieMing:
    Ok TQ.. tq sebab visit2 blog sya yg tidak seberapa ni hehe..

    Ya, betul oh..napa gitu tu aa..aduyaii..
    U take care too.. Stay Pretty! :)

  5. Isabel:
    Hello Isabel, TQ for visiting here..:)
    Ya blh ckp2 suda sama baby.. Ok, will do so.. :)

  6. take care sweet stella... you are so cute being preggy hehe...

  7. tahniah stel.. aini baru tahu stel dah pregnant.. =)

  8. hello Stella Claire.. take care and be happy!

  9. Wah. Hot mama. hehe take care k...

  10. u look berseri2 oo stel. girl ka? sia lupa kalau ko sdh reveal or belum.. hehehe... btw, i wonder how u keep the long hair during pregnancy! panas gila ooo... ba, take care aa..

  11. Mornin Stella!

    Yup the Blogger had a lot of problems... I post an entry about it

    Anyway,wow look forward to the big day heehe. And ya, during these times, they can hear stuff. So, I read a lot that any music you listen can affect the baby... ;) So dengarla lagu-lagu yang siok. Classical ka apa heehe.

  12. ctenya ko stella..hehhe tk k urself k..:)

  13. kiut o..hehe..mau masuk trimester sda kn nanti..when u reach 7 months nanti :) ba.. post more pictures ya.. ;)
    btw..don't forget to join The Borneo Blog Shop mini contest kalau mau dpt tikit wayg free a.. aiseh.. mempromote kunun ni. just Follow, make simple entry n tag :)..if ur free :)

    have a nice day stella :)

  14. Awwww! I'm so happy for you mandak. Jaga kesihatan okay, ekekeke. Love your "berseri-seri" face! :)

  15. Wow...tidak lama lagi jadi mummy sudah..

  16. You look gorgeous Stella :)
    Seriously I am jealous...anyway GBU and cannot wait for the little one. Jangan lupa share nanti aah...hehe

  17. Goges la stelle. Orang ckp kalau preg kan memang akan cute ni

  18. Stephaine:
    Thanks.. will do.

    Nurul Aini:
    Terima Kasih..:)

    yes, will do so.. :)

    ya ka?..adeii..hehe

  19. Claire:
    TQ claire..thanks for visiting here :)

    hari tu pigi scan doktor ckp boy.. Ya ramai org ckp kalau ada seri itu girl baby dia.. apa2 ja gender yg penting baby sihat ba kan.. Memang panas juga rambut pjg, tu la d rumah aircons slu kena pasang hehe.. :P

    Ya ba mcm2 ja masalah blogger ni. Ba nnti sya p tingu2 itu link kau..hehe
    Mendgr musik2 yg classic lah ni.. tp hubby sya ba suka betul dgr lagu yg rancak2.. trus sya rasa menari2 ni baby dlm perut hahaha..

  20. FA:
    TQ.. :)

    ba orait, nnti kalau masuk 7 month sya post gmbr lg hehe.. Ok, nnti sya jenguk2 itu contest kau tu nc..:)

    TQ..pray for me k..supaya baby selamat.. :)

    ya, can't wait mau kasi keluar dia..:)

    Ba ur turn lg next..mesti lg cute dan gorgeous hehehe..:)

    cute sbb tu perut bulat2 ba kan hehe..:P

  21. Komen yang hilang tu pasal ada msalah blogger. Banyak komen yang "masih belum dijumpai" lagi sampai hari ni.
    Buli baca di post kami "blogspot unavailable update".

  22. wah, wah, wah! i don't know why but i LOVE to see pregnant women because they look so cute...:)

  23. stelll!!! congrats!!! lama inda cek blog....wah!! happy for you....

  24. SBC:
    ok thanks for the info

    hehehe..cute ba kali kan

    thanks! waiting for ur turn lg :)

  25. Wahhh stell... Baru sya masuk twitter ni hari. I tot apa week 26 ko tulis... Congrats ah! I'm so happy for u. It's a prayer granted. :D
