
29 May 2011

Kotobian Tadau Kaamatan

Tadau Kaamatan or Harvest Festival is a celebration by the communities of KadazanDusun & Murut in Sabah, East Malaysia since long time ago. It is an annual event to pay respect to the spirit of paddy. This event always been celebrated after the harvest of paddy done. Kaamatan is celebrated in the month of May every year and the peak of the celebration which is mark as public holiday in Malaysia calendar fall on 30th and 31th May.

Compare to longtime ago where Kaamatan were celebrated in more ritual ways, nowadays Kaamatan celebrated in modern ways but still maintaining it's traditional elements. Most of the Kadazan will wear its traditional costume on this day. The activities during the event including Sumazau (traditional dance), Unduk Ngadau (Beauty Contest), Sugandoi (singing competition), traditional games, traditional food exhibition and etc.

 Kadazan Traditional Costume

Kadazan Traditional Dance, Sumazau

 Kadazan Singing Contest, Sugandoi

Beauty Contest, Unduk Ngadau

One of the Kadazan traditional dish, Hinava. (raw fish marinated in citrus fruit.)

So i take this opportunity to wish  
Kotobian Tadau Kaamatan or Happy Harvest Festival.

Don't drink and drive ok.. :D

Take care.. and GOD bless.


  1. Kotobian tadau kaamatan Stella :)

    P/s : sa paling suka hinava.

  2. Seaweed:
    Ya happy kaamatan..:)
    Ya sya pun suka hinava..:)

  3. Happy Kaamatan, Stella!!

  4. aramati lar lepas nih ek...

    leh gak layan tengok sumandak2 yang sakan berhias nanti...selama tinggal di sabah dulu tak pernah pon join pesta nih.terasa rugi lak.

  5. Great photos! Thanks for sharing this cultural event. The customs are fabulous..

  6. Kotobian tadau kaamatan to you too Stella.
    Mesti penuh ni sana KDCA kan?

  7. Cynta:
    Same to u..:)

    ghost writer:
    lain kali kalau ada d sabah pigi la visit2 kdca hehe

    Jolly princess:
    thanks for visiting here..:)

    Just, Sabrina and SJB:
    Happy kaamatan!..:)

    ya ba, penuh ba d kdca.. parking tdk cukup ba..

  8. Yea stele kotobian tadau kaamatan juga..walau suda limpas tapi wish juga la

  9. Baru habis kaamatan tapi itu demam masih terasa kan? hehehe..

  10. Haappy belated belated Kaamatan to you Stella ;)

    Amongst all our activities, Unduk Ngadau juga la paling tatap wahahaa.

  11. saya suka makan hinava..
    mau buat sendiri tapi nda pandai

  12. sa pun suka hinava hehe. :)

  13. Alv0808, Beaty, Armstrong, tim and sweetandspicy:

    Thank pada kamu semua aa..sudi visit blog sya yg nda seberapa ni hehehe
