
29 March 2013

Blessed Good Friday

Remembering Christ died for our sins. His love was so great till He sufferred and died on the cross. This day should be a weeping day. Imagine you as a mother seeing your son suffered and was killed on the cross. Mother Mary must be such a strong mother then. Her heart was broken into pieces when she saw Jesus Christ died. But because of Faith, she let it all be done according to the scripture.

The death of Christ means the death of death itself. The death of Jesus Christ means victory over death for those who trust in Christ as their God and Savior.

Let us remember the greatest Love of all, Jesus Christ Died For Our Salvation. Blessed Good Friday to Christians all over the world..

28 March 2013

Blessed Holy Thursday

Blessed Holy Thursday to dearest Catholic friends and family

After He had washed their feet, had put on His robe, and had returned to the table, he said to them, "Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord—and you are right, for that is what I am. So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you. Very truly, I tell you, servants are not greater than their master, nor are messengers greater than the one who sent them."
John 13:12-16 

26 March 2013

Blessed Holy Week

Blessed Holy Week to dearest Family and Catholic Friends..

On Palm Sunday, we celebrate the first joy of the season, as we celebrate Our Lord's triumphant entrance into Jerusalem where he was welcomed by crowds worshiping him and laying down palm leaves before him. It also marks the beginning of Holy Week, with the greatest tragedy and sorrow of the year.

19 March 2013

Red Velvet Cupcakes

As i mentioned in my previous post, my hubby requested for Red Velvet Cake. I granted his wish but this time I baked Red Velvet Cupcakes. 

I got the recipe from annaqawina blog. I can say this recipe much more tastier than previous one (if you still remember I posted Red Velvet Cake recipe few weeks ago). Hubby really like this cupcakes, me as well. To be honest, I'm not really eating the cakes that were baked by me. But this one is different. I eat a lot. Oh my it ruins my diet routine! haha..

So, let's proceed with the recipe. :D

18 March 2013

Dark Choc Brownies & Banana Choc Chips Cake

Hello dear friends,
I've been so into baking lately. I'm so sorry with that a lot of baking stories. I hope you enjoy the recipes. I really love baking and is actively baking cakes recently. And my list of baking is still so long and looking forward to share with you the recipes. 

16 March 2013

Green Tea Cheesecake

Hubby requested for Green Tea Cheesecake. To be frank, I'm not a green tea fan. But green tea is my hubby's fav. He actually requested for green tea cheesecake since few weeks ago, but I only managed to do it yesterday.

I Googled for green tea cheesecake recipe and stumbled upon Rahel's blog. It's quite a simple recipe and easy to follow. Therefore, I choose this recipe to fulfill my hubby requests. 

14 March 2013

Red Velvet Cake Recipe

I baked a Red Velvet Cake for my brother's birthday on last February. His birthday falls on Valentine's Day. And indeed it would be a double celebration, thus i decided to bake red velvet cake. Valentine's Day is not only for couples, it can be celebrated with your friends and family.

My dad would buy a cake for every birthday celebration since we were kids, but this time as he knows that I could bake a cake, he asked me to bake instead. When I asked what flavor, "Apa-apa saja lah asal sedap.." he answered. Well it is easy for me since they put it up to me to decide hehe..

13 March 2013

Which Zodiac Are You In?

I stumbled unto this zodiac character in Facebook. Kind of interesting. I'm a person that not really to read this zodiac-thing. But as I read on, i found it almost true. I was born on December. Most of the characters that being mentioned here is so me.

How about you?.. It's written there 97% person found it true. Even Wyne ( a blogger friend) found it true too. She was born on September.. :) As i read the September character, it is so her!.. :D

Okay, here I share with you the character according to your birth month. Read it, you might find it true too. :D

12 March 2013

Oreo Cheesecake (Chilled)

I decided to make Oreo Cheesecake (chilled) for my sister's birthday. Her birthday was on 4th March. She actually requested for ice-cream cake, but I seem did not find the ice-cream recipe on the net ( i saw the recipe though just few weeks after her birthday :p). She loves cheesecake too, so she agreed with Oreo Cheesecake as her birthday cake.

08 March 2013

Please Keep Praying for Sabah

I am sure the bloodshed incidents at Lahad Datu and Semporna still haunting Malaysians especially Sabahans. Our fallen heroes were killed in a most cruel manner. Our heart was broke into pieces the moment we heard about the bloodshed and it does put us in a lot of pain to see these things happened.

04 March 2013

I'm Too Worried, Please Pray for Sabah Safety

After the incident in Lahad Datu, the incident then still going on and this time it took place in Semporna where there were reported 6 policemen killed. I just can't believe that this thing become worst. I thought the situation is in controlled and there will be no more bloodshed.

02 March 2013

Lahad Datu Tragedy

I think all of us aware with the recent tragedy in Kapung Tanduo, Lahad Datu.

Two of our of our commandos were dead in the tragedy. Condolence to the families of the victims. I could not imagine the feeling of the family members when they received the bad news