
30 November 2012

I Burst Into Tears on Friday Morning

I burst into tears this morning. That was after I watched a short video on Youtube. Actually it was posted on FB. As usual I would scroll down my FB feed wall to update myself about my friends and family as well as current news too. I came across this short video posted by a very strong mother. I respect this mother for opting a right decision ever in her life.

Please watch the video below. See it yourself on how GOD really works in a mysterious way.

24 November 2012

My Humble 'Mee Goreng'

A week ago hubby decided to cook fried noodles by using dry curly noodles. Lol i don't know what to call it. He craves for that type of noodles and decided to cook it by himself. 

 This is the dry noodles. Any brand should be okay..

But somehow, a few days later, I cooked that noodles for him and gabriel. It turned out hubby really loves it. Even our lil' gabriel likes it too.:D

22 November 2012

My 1st Birthday Cake

Hello dear readers,
Wow.. it's been a long. I haven't blogging for the past 2 weeks. Indeed there were lots of things happened. And you bet, I have missed a lot of stories from dear blogger friends too. Well, I guess I have to do some blogwalk after this to catch up on what I'd missed.

I've been busy with helping my husband on his photography works. Yes, a lot of couple decided to tie knot towards the end of the year. Been busy, but at the same time enjoying. I could see a lot of couples, and every wedding  have their own styles and colors. :) 

07 November 2012

Bloggers Meet Over Choco Fondant

Sounds funny isn't it? Bloggers meet over choco fondant haha..
I made 2 boxes of choco fondants last Sunday ordered by Michelle Sung and Nadia Richard. 

I went to Sunday Mass in the morning and on the afternoon, I managed to baked the choco fondants. This was my 1st time to make 2 boxes of choco fondants in a row. I started to prepare all the ingredients at 1.30pm and finally done at 3.30pm.

I made a deal to meet Michelle and Nadia at CityMall at around 4pm. I managed to take photo with Michelle but unfortunately I couldn't take photo with Nadia because she was only stopped by at the outside of CityMall building. 

02 November 2012


Yes, I'm tempted to bake cupcakes. (Oh my..baking is addicting!)
I really want to bake cupcakes today but hubby said wait until tomorrow, because if I bake cupcakes tomorrow I can bring them fresh from oven to my parent's house. 

Well, we're going to visit my parent tomorrow and I'm thinking of bringing something for them. Yes, I want to let them to have a taste of my cupcakes! hehe.. Hope they'll like it. It is more like practicing for the coming of Christmas Day.  

So, I hope I could manage time to bake cupcakes tomorrow. It would be chocolate cupcakes. Of course it'll be chocolate flavor because I love chocolate. I guess you'll see more and more chocolate flavour (recipes) from me..haha..

Okay, that's it for now. 
Take care.

A Photo A Day

I saw CheguCarol posted about 'A Photo A Day Challenge' for the month of November in her Instagram. It looks interesting and I decided to do it too. I missed 'October's A Photo A Day'. So now I'll go for the month of November. 

This 'A Photo A Day' comes with title of a photo for each day. Take a look at below pic.


I posted mine for Day 1. Supposed today is Day 2. I missed the day 1 haha. Never mind i'll post Day 2 too today probably on late afternoon.

I posted this photo on my Instagram, Day 1: something beginning with 'c'.

Collagen rice mask. This face mask was introduced by a friend few months ago. I really love this mask. It suits my skin.

Okay that's it for today. I probably will post a photo a day in this blog too, as similar with my photo in Instagram. 

Well, it's just for fun. If you like to follow my Instagram, look for stellaclaire_richad.

Have a great Friday.

01 November 2012

1st November, The All Souls Eve

It's 1st November. Time flies.
And I'm in Christmas Mood.. :) You know, it's 53 days to Christmas Day. :D

By the way, it's 10.34pm. Now I remember, it's All Souls Eve. Tomorrow is the feast of All Souls Day. By mentioning this, my heart turns into sadness out of sudden. Remembering those who were gone before us. My prayer with them.

I pray may they rest in peace and enter to Heaven. May they always in the hands of GOD.

My grandfathers and grandmothers at both my mom and dad side passed away long time ago, when I was still a kid. I always think that how would they be if they're still alive until today..

And my prayer goes to my baby Andrea too. Yes, most of you wouldn't know about this. It's happened about 3 years ago. Yes, Gabriel's actually had an eldest sister.

My baby Andrea now rest in peace with GOD. Oh my heart now in sorrow out of sudden just by the thought of her. I wish to see her face one day.

Okay. That's it by now. I'm going to bed now. My prayer tonight is deeply dedicated to all souls..