
01 November 2010

Surprise.. Again!

Well, actually this happened on the 1st week of October.
He planned a surprise for me. I really don't expect this.
I remember it was Friday, 1st October 2010 which was the day before the Sabah TYT's birthday. That day, he drove down to KK city.
He supposed to finished work at 5pm but this time around he came down few hours earlier.
To be clear, he works in Kudat and we manage to see each other only during weekends.
He said he got things to take care of in KK.
I didn't expect anything because he informed me that he wanted to go for a car service in Jln Bundusan. I was in office that time.

I finished work at 5.30pm. He picked me up. We supposed to be at Grand Borneo Hotel by 7.30pm for dinner together with the family.

But before the dinner, he said 'I want to bring you to this place.. come and see..'
And then i asked  where is it. He answered, " Just wait till we reach there.."

I was curious to know but at the same time I was tired from the whole day work in office. I didn't questioned much then, so I just let him lead his way.

Then I saw him drove passing Putatan already, then Lok Kawi, then Kinarut ( for the record, I work in Luyang).
I was thinking..something went wrong. It's looks like a far journey.
I asked him again.." wah.. this looks like a far journey, where are we going?.. "
He insisted not to tell me.

He stopped the car at Borneo Paradise. And I said," Is this the place?.. "
" Yes, come down..and see.. this place is nice.."

And to my surprise he checked-in for 2 nights here.
As we entered the room,  I saw it was so nice. Simple but nice and comfortable.

Then i told him,
" Wah..we should go home and pack our stuff after this.. but I am too tired to pack things.." Because in my head, if he informed me the day before about this, I should already packed our things to bring here.

Then he said, " You wait here first.. I go out for a while.."
Few minutes later, he brought in the baggage.
OMG!!.. he already packed all things.. and hid it under the bonnet. He already planned this! I was so touched.. :D

We made the moments eternal by keeping them in pictures.

-Simple yet comfortable-

-The leaflet-

-So relaxing..-

-At Lobby area-

 -The place is near beach-

 -Breakfast of the day-


-Us.. :) -

I thanked him for the surprise. We spent there 2 nights and a day.
It was nice and relaxing place. For those who looking for a relaxing place, this could be a better choice. To know more about this place, read HERE.

He did this to me for the 1st time. He had surprised me before, with a gift.
A gift that packed beautifully like a present or my favourite dessert, chocolates hehee..

But this time, it's totally different.. and it was unexpected.
Thanks dear!.. 

"Sometime a surprise blossoms a  relationship. No matter it's small or huge. It's the thought that count that makes you feel accepted. "

Okay, I end it here.
So how about you..?
Any surprise experiences?..
Come on..... share it, I love to know!..:)

Till then, have a great week ahead.

P/s:  Can't wait Friday... Because it's public holiday kan..hehe..


  1. so sweet la ur hubby! siap packed brg sedia lg tu. jeles sia. Klu hubby sia hmm... alamatnya pakai baju yg sama or p beli baju baru ja la.. hahahha..

    nyway, tu gmbr2 kamu tu d sana BP ja pulak tu.. dekat ja kan.. ok ok.. ceh kunun!

  2. Aww~romantica de amor! hehe... This is the part that i love klu blaki bini sdh haha...

    nice place...really looks relaxing. ;)

  3. ada lagi.. :) tunggggguuuu... :p

  4. wah stella..u've a great lovely day!spent time wit someone u lurve is so fantastic...

  5. so sweetttttttt~
    lovely couple~ sa suka~~~
    trus sy excited pla mo kawin ni hahahaXD

    thanks for sharing the lurve~ *hugs*

  6. Just:
    Ya d BP ja bah tu Just..hehehe..nda juga terlalu jauh la.. tp kalau petang jem betul kalau p sana.. :)

    Bah, ko kasi hint2 hubby ko.. minta2 surprise hahaha..:)

  7. Michelle:
    bah cepat2 kawin lah hehehe..siok!

    ya, relaxing ni place, try2 la dtg sana.. :)

  8. si biskut:
    ya, indeed fantastic. Thank GOD.. :)

  9. Glay:
    bah kalau excited, capat2 kawin hehehe.. Ya, bak kata ko kan, "sharing is sexy" kan..haha..

  10. Stel, bkn lg hint.. sia bw dia baca sama2 sia ko pnya post ni.. hahahaha... ya la ya la ja dia bilang.. hmmm..

    morning stel.. :D

  11. how romantic of him!
    that's so sweet!

  12. Just:
    Haha..funny oh kamu dua ni.. Ya bw lah dia baca ni post supaya dia ada idea mau kasi surprise ko.. Manatau dia punya idea lg hebat..hehe..

    I Love surpise!..:)

    Morning Just!..:)

  13. Stephanie:
    Ya, maybe because he know I love surprise tu la.. Dia happy tingu sya tekejut..haha

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. owh my GOd! this is so sweet. It reminds me about my love one. it's been a while we didn't go for vacation.:)

  16. Dev:
    bah p lah vacation..kasi hilang dulu stress tlmpau busy keja kan ko..hehe
