
01 November 2010

New Day..

Hi everyone,
It's Monday and it's November already.
How time flies so fast isn't.. :) 
And we'll have about 8 weeks more to Christmas and most likely 9 weeks to year of 2011.
Wah.. I can't wait December. I have a lot of celebrations on December..
Starting to plan and buying presents now hehe..

So how about you?.. I am sure you're feeling the same..:)
So today, I would like to say have a GREAT Monday.. :)
and fill your day with inspiration.. Get some motivations book or go through online to
get some inspiration of life and try to feel good about yourself.
Let go all burdens. 
Let it be care by GOD, then you'll experience a better life and an increasing spirit of living..
as well as closer to GOD..

Stay inspiring, stay motivated and let your fullness of spirit inspired others too.. :)


  1. Whoaa~im inspired by your words! "Let go all burdens. Let it be care by God..." hehe love it xD. Hve a great Monday Stella! :D

  2. Michelle Sung:
    Ya let it be..hehe..
    Wah good, get inspired okay..
    Have a blessed Monday..:)

  3. I feel good because December is coming :)
    Very excited actually. Let the shopping spree begin...hahahaha

  4. Sumandak Kinabalu:
    Ya, i am excited too!
    December got a lot of celebrations for me.. yeay!!
    It's the most celebration of the year., shopping, shopping..hehehe.. :)

  5. past is past.. yeahh..
    happy monday stel.. :D

  6. Just:
    Ya true. Keep your life ahead to future..:)
    Happy Monday to u too..:)

  7. Wah! 8 weeks lagi ka tu Christmas? Tidak sedar oo. Lepas tu New Year. 2011 is coming!

    Have a great day, Stella. And Happy November :)

  8. Christmas' christmas time is near.. oppss.. lmbt lg pula.. bru masuk november.. x sabar2 sdh ni krismas heheheh.. anyway have a blessed weekdays ahead.. ;)

  9. have a beautiful sunshine in November..December will be come..Goodey!

  10. Angel:
    Ya 8 be exact 7 weeks and 6 days.. Cant wait..hehe!!

    Happy November to u too.. GBU

  11. Richard:
    Dearie.. Nda lama lg tu. Pejam mata, buka mata, then December already hehehe. And cant wait Friday too..heheee

  12. si biskut:
    same to u..:)
    yeay, definitely Dec will come soon.. :)
