
02 November 2010

A Baby Died Over Facebook Game

 -US woman admits shaking baby to death over Facebook game-

MIAMI — A Florida woman, angry because her baby's crying was interrupting her game of Farmville on Facebook, has pleaded guilty to murder after shaking the infant to death, a newspaper reported Thursday.

Alexandra V. Tobias, 22, of Jacksonville, entered the plea in the January death of three-month-old Dylan Lee Edmondson before Circuit Judge Adrian Soud on Wednesday, the Florida Times-Union said.

Tobias could face up to life in prison. The newspaper said a sentencing hearing has been scheduled for December.

The Times-Union said Tobias told investigators she became angry because her baby was crying while she was playing Zynga's FarmVille.

She said she shook the baby, smoked a cigarette, and then shook him again and that the infant may have hit his head during the shaking.

Zynga claims more than 230 million monthly active users of its games, which include "Mafia Wars," "Treasure Isle," "Zynga Poker," "Cafe World," "FishVille" and "PetVille" in addition to "FarmVille."

source: Google News

Stella says:
I don't understand why this things happened.. Please control yourself towards games.  Too much addiction in online or pc games brings worst to your family. 
I don't understand how could the woman did this to her own infant just because of the online games. Please appreciates life.. You can play the games over and over again, but you cannot replace life.


  1. hmm... aku bosan sdh sama semua tu games dlm FB... dulu byk aku main.. sampai level 200++.. but, skrg ni.. teda sdh.. hehehe.

  2. thank god c asai sdh quit game! klu dulu sampai hanyut!

  3. Gila FB mangkali ba dia ni... ingat siapa yang hari2 FB tu buli membahayakan tu

  4. gosh! for real???
    oh my!
    i was once addicted to this games way back in college but then i stop playing it...
    My account is even hardly even touched!

    BTW : thanks for following back! means a lot to me cause i'm a super an of your blog! I'm new so I haven't read them all yet but I'm Planning too hehe!


  5. uiii ganas.... so scary lah.. so for all the FB's out there.. please lah.. don't play FB to much, as studies reported it can cause brain damaged, liver failure, lung infections and most dangerous it can affect other people's life.. Bukan blh dpt duit pun klu main tu game..

    p/s: tu study report tu sya dpt ntah dr mana.. buat2 sendiri hehehe..

  6. Oh goodness. What's wrong with this world! Kesian tu baby.

  7. Asai:
    Bosan suda..bgus la..hehehe..bnyk lg benda lain yg penting mo buat tu. Buang masa ja kan...kalau dpt $$$ nda pa juga..hahaha..

  8. Just:
    Happy for both you. Nasib baik hubby ko quit suda game. My hubby dulu pun gamer juga, tp bkn online punya. Dia suka pc games, tp berpada-pada juga ba dia, takut sya merajuk hehe..

  9. Donny:
    Ya ba donny..Mmg membahayakan bah tu..:)

  10. Stephaine:
    Ya this is for real.. You can browse at google news.

    Thanks for following my blog too. Okay take ur time to read..:)
    Have a pleasant day..

  11. Richard:
    hahaha..funny oh..dr mana lah dpt tu study report. tau2 buat sendiri aa..hahaha... You made my day :)

  12. Angel:
    itu la kesian kan.. bayi yg tdk tau apa2..tidak berdosa kena buat gitu..

  13. Astaganagara. Dia tetau kaitu baby fragile? Just because an online game, dia sanggup buat anak dia gitu? Anih tulung laa..

  14. la kalau terlampau ketagih game di FB. tsk tsk tsk...

  15. Gila kan?, Ada lagi berita saya dengar macam ni juga tu mommy busy main game Wii. Sampai lupa kasih makan anak sama anjing dia. Tu anjing mati kelaparan, baby dia sakit tidak cukup makan dan minum. Gila punya orang!!

  16. AnnieMing:
    Ini org terlampau addicted suda bah tu. Trus gila2 suda pikiran dia..deiii

  17. Cynta:
    Terlampau ketagih sampai darah daging sendiri dibunuh..aduiii

  18. SJB:
    Ni org mcm ni mcm tdk matang bah kan. Bgus jgn ada anak kalau mcm tu. At last mati juga anak sendiri sebab kena ignore.. aduyaiii

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