
30 April 2013

New Header

Hello dear friends!

How is your day today?..I hope all in right condition.
Just a short update here. I have to put short update because my lil' boy will wake up from his afternoon nap soon, so I have to put a fast post here hehe.

Yes, it was about my new blog header. I decided to put my name there and a photo. Just a simple one. I hope it looks nice. Some friends do not know that it was my blog, and some of them thought it was others blog. So StellaClaire's Blog it is! :)

I just came back from KL yesterday. I've been there for a week. I miss baking and blogging so much! So now back to track hehe ( fikir2 suda apa mo baking ni hehe..). Will blog about my KL trip soon.

Okay, that's it! Have a great week ahead! :D

24 April 2013

A Week In KL

Hi dear readers,
How is your weekdays so far?.. I hope it's a great week for you and your family.

I just want to do some short update here as now I am right here in KL for a week. We ( hubby, gabriel and I) arrived here yesterday at around 2pm via AirAsia flight. It's not really a holiday but it's actually just to accompany my hubby as he has course to attend in Subang Jaya.

18 April 2013

Throwback Thursday #3

Me during my kindergarten graduation day. My parent sent me to Stella Maris Kindergarten Tanjung Aru, KK.

I remember a sister (nun) that used to be our headmistress, she always pinched my cheek whenever she passes me. I hate it because it was painful you know!..

And I do remember, my dad was the one who used to walked me to school. We walked together very early in the morning; our house located not so far from the school. I think it's about 10 mins walks.

Oh how i miss those moment, where as a child you never worry about anything..hehe. :)

15 April 2013

Rainbow Cake Recipe

Hi dear readers,
Today I'm going to share with you a rainbow cake recipe. To be honest I got this recipe from a good friend. Her name is Daphne. Thanks a lot to her for the recipe and tips. She is really nice and generous enough to share the recipe with me and she has given me green light to share this recipe. Kan Daphne?..hehe :P

I was actually fell to sick for almost more than 2 weeks. I got this recipe but I couldn't proceed myself to bake it. But Praise to GOD, i managed to bake a rainbow cake for the 1st time on last Friday. I can't believe it was a success. I overjoyed and hubby really amazed with the end result too! haha.. Baking is really a THERAPY for me hehehe.. :P

11 April 2013

Throwback Thursday #2

This photo was taken during my first Holy Communion 
at Sacred Heart Cathedral. I was primary 4. This was my very first time wearing white gown with a veil. And the white gown was custom made. My mom booked a tailor somewhere in KK to sew a special white gown for her daughter.  Macam org kawin kan haha

Those were the days. Sweet memories. I remember there were plenty of us wearing white gowns with veils. 

Receiving the Holy Communion was such an important part in my life. A mark of completion of me as a Catholic. I received my Confirmation later at age 13 at the same church.

04 April 2013

Throwback Thursday #1

This photo was taken on year 1988. My mom captured this photo. We travelled to KL for the first time and here we were at Zoo Negara.

During that time there were only 3 of us. My mom later delivered the rest of my brother and sisters on July 1988, September 1989 and March 1998. That makes us 6 siblings all together. 

Oh how I miss this moment. I was a thin little girl back then.

p/s: This is my first Throwback Thursday segment in my blog. I'm going to do this every Thursday starting today. :D

03 April 2013

Caramel Pudding (Eggless)

Blessed Easter everyone. I guess it's not too late. We are still in the week of Easter though. I couldn't post some entry earlier because I was occupied with the Easter gathering and attacked by sore throat. 

I think it was more than 3 days now I still in throat pain. I hope this pain will be gone soon. (So that I can proceed with baking again..hehe :P)