
28 June 2012

A Trip to Tenom-Part 2

As I wrote in previous post, we went to Tenom on the 18th June 2012 and stayed there for 3 nights. The journey from Kota Kinabalu took about 3 hours and we decided to follow the Kimanis road. 

I assumed that we will going to pass a steep road at the Kimanis road, because I remember few years back when I went to Keningau, it really scared me when we passed the steep road. However, this time the road wasn't that steep anymore. I guess the road had been repaired already.

24 June 2012

A Trip to Tenom-Part 1

The three of us (Gabriel, hubby and I) went to the district of Tenom and had a stay for 4 days 3 nights. I never been to Tenom before. This is my 1st time. We were there on the 18 June-21 June 2012.

Actually hubby had to do his clinics evaluation there. So i want to take this opportunity to visit Tenom. Beside, i really want to have a walk at its most known place to visit, Sabah Agriculture Park.

22 June 2012


Wow.. it's been 10 days I didn't put any entry here. I find myself hard to update my blog nowadays. Our little Gabriel is not so little anymore. His sleeping pattern tends to changes everyday and of course you should understand that I only could do some blog update when he fall asleep. However, you know, when he fall asleep I showered myself with house chores or even to prepare things for him before his eyes wide opened. Oh well, at that time I feel time was really flies. I couldn't even have a little time to put myself in a relaxing state.  You know, this is a continuing process. It is everyday routine, a routine of my life, tiring but enjoying at the same time. It's enjoying to see the progress of Gabriel everyday even it was only a little progress.

Well, today I actually want to share about this particular dessert shop. You know, I am a dessert lover and I couldn't hold myself to keep to myself about this. I like to share with you about it. Yes, to you..the dessert lover out there.. :D

I think this is the only one in Sabah. Remember I wrote about a dessert cafe back in KL?.. Yes, the dessert cafe called Snowflake which was introduced by my bro in-law while we were in Bukit Bintang last May. And I wrote that you couldn't find Snowflake in KK.

A friend of mine actually told me that there's a cafe which is serving a quite similar menu as Snowflake. It is called ZenQ Desserts, located at Lintas, Kota Kinabalu. Once I know about this cafe, I asked hubby to bring me there to try out their desserts. :D

 The ZenQ Signature dessert

 The ZenQ Signature and Yam Sago

 The Menus

 The view inside the cafe

 And lastly, Gabriel ate the Yam Sago for the 1st time and he likes it ;)

The ZenQ Signature dessert was really delicious. In fact it was better than Snowflake recommended dessert; the taste quite less sweet. The Yam Sago delicious as well. It's a good combination of yam and sago. Definitely will go there again to try out other menus. :)

That's it for now. 
Take care. :D

p/s: I just arrived from Tenom yesterday. I've been there for 4 days. Will blog about it in the next post. ;)

13 June 2012

Just A Short Trip- Part 4 (The End )

Yes, this is the last part. I have to end this story soon as I have to move on to another story update. :)
Well as I promise before, this post contains pictures. 
So, enjoy some pics below.. :)

 Us at Pavilion

 The midnight view of Bukit Bintang

 Manage to have a walk at Low Yatt Plaza. Hubby managed to buy a bag for his DSLR

 Power Rangers show at Sungei Wang

 Painting at the street

 At the Pavilion entrance

 As usual, anytime anywhere feeding gabriel

 FREE HUGS anyone? Saw this on our way back to hotel

 Gabriel in his new romper

 Milo biasa saja but the price is RM13.90.

 On our way to enter Pavilion, we saw this kids doing cheerleading

 The view at the Pavilion main place

and finally, that's me with a supermom style.. Not! LOL

Have a fun week ahead. :D

*The photos are copyright.

Just A Short trip to KL- Part 3

This is the part 3 of our story for a trip in KL. I guess this is the last part too. I hope so. Let's see.. :D

As in my previous post, we stayed in Bukit Bintang area for 4 days and 3 nights. On the 1st day, we didn't walked around so much since hubby had to attend the Science Conference. As usual, Gabriel and I stayed at the hotel room for the whole day. I mean not really the whole day, because hubby managed to back to hotel (where we stayed), to bring me out for lunch. Oh so sweet of him! :)

And for that, we spent a little time at Sungei Wang food court for a lunch. Our hotel was so much near to the shopping complex around Bukit Bintang; Sungei Wang, BB Plaza, Lot 10 and Low Yatt. It was just a walking distance.

my lunch on the 1st day. I'm craving for 'ikan keli'.. :P

And on the second day I managed to do some shopping. My eyes can't believe that all those lovely dresses tag price below RM50. You can't find it in KK..  Unfortunately, this time around we didn't bring a lot of money.(nasib juga la..nanti bershopping berabis pula hahaha..)  So bought just one dress and one romper for gabriel. :) And oh ya, I bought 1 flatty for me too..:P

A vintage dress for only RM35 and bee romper for RM22.

I bought a pair of flatty, for only RM19.90 ;)

On the next day we managed to meet our bro in-law. He's working in KL and staying in Bukit Bintang. He brought us to a Nasi Ayam restaurant for dinner and to a dessert's cafe for dessert. You know, I am a dessert lover. As i heard he talked about dessert cafe, my brain automatically said, this shop mustn't left behind.. haha.. Must have a try..>.<

 Hubby and I tried this. hmmm.. not bad ;)

           I insisted to go here on the next to try another menu.
It's the red bean and green bean with tau foo fa. Delicious!
For an info the dessert cafe called Snowflake. I think this cafe haven't exist in KK yet.

Okay, that's all for today. I guess there's another part 4 of the story. And it'll be the last part. The last part would be containing a lot of pics. :)

Thanks for visiting here. Have a fun week ahead. :D

08 June 2012

Just A Short Trip to KL- Part 2

As in my previous post, this is the continuation of the story of our trip in KL.

Upon arriving at LCCT, we had a stop for a while at KFC outlet to feed Gabriel. Yes, the journey from LCCT to Bukit Bintang (our stay) would be 45 mins - 1 hour (depending on traffic that day), and I won't have to feed Gabriel inside the cab or after we reached at hotel, it would be so late.

We arrived at Bintang Warisan Hotel an hour later. The traffic quite congested but we managed to reached at hotel before 8pm. The cab fee was about RM74. I did not know whether this was a cheap fee or expensive, we've never been to KL since 2009. 

Our stay at Bintang Warisan was rightly at the heart of Bukit Bintang. There's a lot of hotel around, but hubby chose this one. I don't know why and I didn't ask. All i know that he said this place was located near to monorail station and it will be easy for him to travel to Raja Chulan later. He actually has to attend a Science Conference at the Crown Plaza Mutiara Hotel. Well, we didn't stay at Crown Hotel as the rate was so expensive. We stayed at Bintang Warisan hotel instead, as we decided to have a walk just around Bukit Bintang during our stay.

We stayed at Bintang Warisan Hotel for 4 days and 3 nights. The rate quite cheap; RM140++ per night complimentary with breakfast. But by looking at the room condition, i didn't fully satisfied. The room space was limited and closet wasn't provided. Feels like the room rate wasn't worth at all. Honestly, I was disappointed at first, but the thought of as these were only a short trip, I let the disappointment went out of me.

 Three of us on a flight from KK to KL

 Our room. Not really spacious..

The breakfast complimentary with the stay.

I have to end this post here now. I have limited time, as I have to do some cloth packing; we'll be heading to KK in couple of hours. After all, Gabriel will be woken up by now. Will continue our KL trip stories on my next post. 

Till then have a great Friday.:)

07 June 2012

Just A Short Trip- Part 1

Hello dear friends,
How is your Thursday so far?..  I hope all is fine. Tomorrow will be Friday. How time flies. Seems like we just celebrating the Kaamatan Festive on last 30th & 31st May and now we are on the 7th day of the month of June.

By the way, the Kaamatan Festive this year marks the 5th Anniversary of our engagement day. On Kaamatan morning, during our way for breakfast, hubby suddenly wished 'happy anniversary' to me and I went blank for a while. (doi lupa sekijap LOL).. and definitely right after that i remember it was our engagement day anniversary. Hubby treated me with my fav meal at Upperstar Restaurant in Damai, Luyang. :D

 Our Engagement ceremony back in 2007

***Ok let's move to another story..hehe..

Actually today I would like to share about our trip to KL on last May. It was on 23rd May to 26th May. Our flight KL-KK was changed to 26th due to unavoidably reason. Suppose we should returned to KK on 28th and due to that we couldn't manage to bring Gabriel for a trip to Cameron Highland. What to do.. I believe there is always next time. So, no worry..will bring Gabriel to there for sure someday ;)

We took 3.30pm flight to KL on 23rd May. Our flight was delayed for about 30mins. Well you know-lah AirAsia.. mesti ada delay punya..

This was the 1st time Gabriel traveling on a flight. I actually a bit worried on how Gabriel would behave during a travel in a flight. We used to travel KK-Kudat every weekend. The journey took about 3 hrs, and he used to it. But now it's different. Because traveling via flight; I have to carry him, there's no speacial seat provided for him.

Thank GOD, he was ok with it. And the funny thing is he went poo poo pula.. LOL.

 Us at KKIA Terminal 2.

Ok that's it for today. Will write more about it in my next post. Gabriel is awake from his afternoon nap. I have to feed him by now.. :)

Have a great week ahead. :D

GOD bless.