
28 June 2012

A Trip to Tenom-Part 2

As I wrote in previous post, we went to Tenom on the 18th June 2012 and stayed there for 3 nights. The journey from Kota Kinabalu took about 3 hours and we decided to follow the Kimanis road. 

I assumed that we will going to pass a steep road at the Kimanis road, because I remember few years back when I went to Keningau, it really scared me when we passed the steep road. However, this time the road wasn't that steep anymore. I guess the road had been repaired already.

Most of the time, Gabriel and I stayed at the room while waiting hubby to finish his duty of the day. You can tell by looking at the pictures in my previous post, that Hotel Perkasa Tenom is an old hotel. However, they maintained it well. We stayed there comfortably and the housekeeper also did her job very well. She cleaned the room as early as 8.30am and at that time we went out for breakfast.

On our last day there, we managed to have a walk at the Sabah Agriculture Park. It took about 45mins from Tenom town to the park. You have to pay RM10 for the entrance fee.

Continue to scroll down for some pictures . :)

The entrance passes

At the entrance

Upon we enter the park

Managed to shot this closely

The giant waterlilies

A calm view..

 On our way to the animal park. Daddy and Gabriel. Gabriel is sleeping.

 The bougainvillea park..

 I thought these were "Bambangans" fruit but obviously they weren't.

 Weird yet beautiful! :)

 The son and mother. Gabriel was just about to sneeze haha..

 I think you know this big bird :)

 "Pokok Berduri"

 We couldn't managed to walk to the whole place. We only managed to visit until no 8. Such a very wide area to walk. It will takes hours. And we were rushing back to KK.

And lastly, the 3 of us.

It's really a wide park. There is also an orchid park but we couldn't reach there. Too far and it supposed to be visited via train or maybe to ride a bicycle. For those who loves nature, flowers and animal, this place is a perfect place for you. A best place for you to visit. :D

Read HERE to know more about Sabah Agriculture Park.

That's it for now. Thanks for reading this post. 

Take care and have a blessed day ahead.


  1. ngam ni kalau p dating..luas pn blh habis pusing..hehe

  2. Pigi Tenom kamurang yaa. Syoknya kamu seisi keluarga.. Oh ya, did you know that kids can actually stand on the giant waterlilies? Kamu ada kasi terai si Gabriel? :D

  3. I went there as well few months back :D but we enter for free tho because my bf's bos, her little brother is working there and we had a free tour guide :D that place is big! we took the bicycle

    Have a great month ahead!

    1. yes, a big place.. i guess we have to use the train then
