
24 June 2012

A Trip to Tenom-Part 1

The three of us (Gabriel, hubby and I) went to the district of Tenom and had a stay for 4 days 3 nights. I never been to Tenom before. This is my 1st time. We were there on the 18 June-21 June 2012.

Actually hubby had to do his clinics evaluation there. So i want to take this opportunity to visit Tenom. Beside, i really want to have a walk at its most known place to visit, Sabah Agriculture Park.

I found that Tenom was just a small town. There's no shopping complex available. Only G-mart and Bestamart (Supermarket). And you can't find any fastfood outlets; there's only one small KFC outlet available.

We stayed at Hotel Perkasa Tenom. I think this is the best hotel to stay in Tenom. The hotel located at up above of a hill. And from here you can view Tenom town. Beside, the room is spacious too. We booked for family room and can you believe it was only for RM110 per night?.. it was so cheap! Lucky us ;)

 view from our room

 view from room (the other side of window)

 our room, looks spacious kan

 the other side of view

 ada tempat lepak-lepak lagi hehe

 tv area and dressing table

Look spacious kan the room?.. Although the hotel is quite old fashion but it is highly recommended.:D Plus, it's a relaxing place because not really crowded with a lot of people..

Ok, that's it for now.
Have a fun weekend. :D


  1. itu playpen hotel provide ka?
    sy blm pernah p tenom oh..ntah bila baru tpigi ni..

  2. Only KFC? KFC pun jadi la. Tiba-tiba rindu ni ayam dia. Lama suda nda makan KFC.

    110 per night quite cheap la. And memang spacious tu sia tinguk. Memang worth it. Siap ada ironing board lagi. Adui ironing board pula yang ditinguk kan hahaa.

    Pictures of the park? Nanti-nanti la tu kan hehee.

    1. Ya lah..kfc ja.. Hehehe..
      Mmg besar bilik dia ni arms, mmg worth it.. Pictures of the park di part 2 hehe

  3. aik sa belum injak bumi tenom ni..he he but the view pun nice juga la
