
13 June 2012

Just A Short Trip- Part 4 (The End )

Yes, this is the last part. I have to end this story soon as I have to move on to another story update. :)
Well as I promise before, this post contains pictures. 
So, enjoy some pics below.. :)

 Us at Pavilion

 The midnight view of Bukit Bintang

 Manage to have a walk at Low Yatt Plaza. Hubby managed to buy a bag for his DSLR

 Power Rangers show at Sungei Wang

 Painting at the street

 At the Pavilion entrance

 As usual, anytime anywhere feeding gabriel

 FREE HUGS anyone? Saw this on our way back to hotel

 Gabriel in his new romper

 Milo biasa saja but the price is RM13.90.

 On our way to enter Pavilion, we saw this kids doing cheerleading

 The view at the Pavilion main place

and finally, that's me with a supermom style.. Not! LOL

Have a fun week ahead. :D

*The photos are copyright.


  1. that romper sangat cute! Mau cari satu juga ni bagi nephew. ;)

  2. Wahhh enjoyyyy..... :)

    Cheer leader... Segan pula tengok boys di bwh angkat2 the girls... Kana cubuk ni... Hihihi... (kesituuuu pula :p)

    1. Waaa...Enjoy oo you can Stella..Cuti2 Malaysia kan tu...CUte ooc Gabriel dgn New Romper dia...:-)

    2. Cuti2 malaysia la kali tp kijap ja hehe.. Kiut si gabriel kn hihi

  3. stell.. aku suka tinguk bapa2 yg suka pegang baby... beruntung oo ko stell.. penyayang oo hubby ko.. :D

    free hugs? hahah

  4. c Gabriel paling manang!! yeahhh.. comel2.. he he he.. sa mo tu FREE HUGS oo.. :D.. nanti sa pigi sana.. :D

  5. siok kn babo anak jalan2..hehe..lg selamat drpd pakai stroller..
    sy mau tny tu yg bekas susu tu..haha..brp lama tahan tu susu? mksd sy, itu bekas utk keep warm the milk ba kn? sakai ba sy ni..

    1. Itu blh thn for 2-3 hours. Tp sya slu plg lama 2 hours ja sya kasi :)

  6. Habis bukit bintang kena round stel! Hahhaha.. Kamu teda pigi times square??

  7. ha ha ...ada power rangers..lucu ni sa tingu..someday sa mau p low yat juga la
