
22 October 2010

WSB ChatRoomBah!..

Calling to all WSB members. Did you notice that WSB got chatroom?.. Yes, it was created and officially released on 16 October 2010. I am care to share this, thought most of you might didn't noticed about it since the number of Wasabers visiting there are not really encouraging.. :)

- Click at WSB ChatRoomBah!'s tab-

-Then the ChatBox will appear-

- You can sign in by using your Facebook Account or by signing up with Chatroll-

Okay, to all Wasabers.. See you all at WSB ChatRoom.. :)
Rajin-rajin lah melawat sana.. :)
You might know the latest WSB's activities or even chat with the WSB's admin himself hehe.. (jek2 ka ni?..haha)

Till then, have a nice day and relaxing day for the coming weekend..:)
Take care.


  1. Nice one Stel! Takut mo msk sana selalu.. takut kenapatan chat!! so, skip2 ja sia msk sana tu.. kastau admin aa.. heheh..

  2. hai stella, ekekeke, kita jek2 si boss... :)

  3. hai stella, ekekeke, kita jek2 si boss... :)

  4. Ni mmg jelas dan nyata jek ni stel..senyum² sifu ko c just tgk ko smakin mahir dalam ilmu jek menjek ni..keh²

  5. pandai sdh kamu menjek kan..stelll...napa bah nda print screen time ada namaku join chat..huh

  6. tiap kali aku buka blog c stell ni mesti malware detect....huh

  7. ni kali larh...cantik la stella...ada lg pulak nama ku sana...muahahahaha..jan cembru ar geng...

  8. Just: Hahaha..Pelan2 gia.. ko P sana tapuk2 la..hahaha.. Si admin rindu suda sama ko..hehe!

  9. Zura: Wah..jek2 aa..Zura ko baru lah..ini jek kapal terbang kah ni smpi 2 kali ko post komen ko..hahaha

  10. WSB: hahaha.. itu lah..tingu sepa sifu lah..hahaha.. nda lama lagi sya naik tahap black belt suda ni ilmu menjek ni hahaha..

  11. Lyn Rashid: haha..ala..sori dear..ngam2 teda pula ko time d chat kemarin.. kalau nda, ada juga nama ko terpampang d post sya..haha..manatau ada next time..kekeke

  12. Lyn Rashid: Aih ada malware detect??..aih..heran juga..

    Baby Yats: Hahaha.. yats, ngam2 ada nama ko sana..terkena2 ba tu.. hehehe.. baru lah ko jadi pames.. haha!

  13. Dempsey Sanders: Hi, Dempsey.. That is for our Sabahan Bloggers. Bloggers who live in East Malaysia part of Borneo. But, you can always take a look there.. :)

    Thanks for visiting here..:)
    Have a great weekend.

  14. sama kes macam si Just...hehehe
    apapun suda saya join WSB, kejap ja ooo kana approve....yeaaaaaah!

  15. Sumandak Kinabalu: Gitu la WSB..siok kan..hehehe..:)
    Once wasaber, always wasaber!

  16. bulum pernah masuk ni...nti mau try la satu kali (duh satu kali ja ka...haha)

  17. Mrs Graig: Bah try lah..jan nda try..hehe.. satu kali pun okay ba tu...:)

  18. wow..u are a very active WASABER member :) good.. good :) hehe..

  19. NC: hehehe..kunun2 la mo aktif ba nc..hehe..bila lg..
