
22 October 2010

Here I am...

Hello everyone... How are you today..?.. How's your weekdays so far?..
I was really busy the whole day yesterday. I don't even have time to visit most of our bloggers friends' site. This morning, I've completed my work and submitted it to my superior. So, here I am... Feels like it's long time already. I miss blogging so much..haha. (Padahal baru satu hari bah..hahaha). Today, I have some time to publish several post here.. 
So, wait and see okay hehe.. :)

Well it's Friday already. We're now in the beginning to enter weekend. I am sure most of us waiting for weekend as that is the time for us to spend much more time with our loved ones. For me, as usual I will be at office on Saturday till 1pm and go for Church around 5pm-7pm. And this coming Saturday, I will attend an event organized by WL association. WL stands for Wong Long, which is the great-great-grandfather to my in-law family. Maybe I'll spend some time to blog out about this soon.. :)

Here is to share with you my dinner last night. I went to this restaurant at Plaza Millennium area and ordered for:- 

-Tuna bread with cheese topping-

- Close up-

And I had this for Dessert.. Just dessert sya ni kali Yogurt perisa Mango..hehe!
I Love yogurt especially Mango and Strawberry Flavor. And I preferred 'fat free' one.. :)

 -Yogurt 'Free Fat' Mango flavor-

 - Yummy!!!..hehe-

- You can look for nutrition info before buying yogurt..Sorry for the blurry pic!..hehe-

That is my attempt to lose weight haha.. Trying not to take heavy food for dinner. 
Hmmm.. I hope it'll work.. Maybe some of you got tips how to lose weight..haha..
Share-share lah.. :)

That's it for now. Will see you again in next post.
Till then, have a GREAT Friday.. :)
GOD bless.


  1. Waduh2.. ko pnya tuna bread wt cheese topping buat sia terliur oo!!! Buli batal sia pnya diet mission ini mcm ging!

    Yogurt dessert ko ni kali aa?? My mom n Rayyan suka betul yogurt. Every week p beli kasi dorang for 1 week pnya stock! hehehe..

  2. Just: Sabar ko Just.. Tu la, mo diet kunun sya..tidak mo mkn heavy food..Pdhal ni tuna bread ada cheese..hahaha..

    Ya, yogurt ni kali..haha.. Nah bgus la drg suka.. Ko nda suka ka.. Sadap ba gia tu..heheheeee.. :P

  3. Sa tdk pandai mkn yogurt!!..adeiii...

    Sa tukang support kamurang berdiet...go go diet ladies!


  4. Wyne: Ko nda pandai mkn yogurt ka..rugi lorrr..hehe sadap tu..
    Thanks, I know u no need diet already because mmg suda kurus!

    Have a nice Friday.

  5. Saya tidak pandai makan yogurt...haha
    Macam mana mau kasi tips kalau diri sendiri pun susah mau diet nie. Time puasa dulu, ada lah hilang 1Kg..After raya, naik 2Kg. Macam mana tu??? hehehe...
    Banyakkan bersenam ja kali jawapan dia, kalau tidak makan nasi susah juga. Apalagi kalau yang bergastrik :)

    p/s I am not Muslim. In my office saya seorang ja non-muslim :) so saya ikut puasa, 5 tahun suda nie ^ ^

  6. atukoiiiiiiii! si stella bah suka kin berliur ekekekeke. lain kali beli banyak2 ya, kasi semua wasabers, ekekekeke!

  7. wow cheese. nyum2.. sayangnya aku pantang makan cheese.. konpem penyakit menyerang :)

  8. Sumandak Kinabalu: Ya ramai org nda pandai mkn yogurt oh..sadap ba tu..hehehe...

    Bah juga bah ko bg sya tu..puasa.. bgus juga tu..blh kasi kurang berat kan.. Ada org ckp kalau mau stay full, minum air bnyk2 supaya x lapar.. aissh...kalau sya, slu p tandas lah jwbnya kalau gitu haha..

  9. Azura: hahaha..bah bulih ba..beli masing2 bayar..hahaha

  10. Sharif: Ko ada alergic cheese ka... alalaa..rugi tauuu...kekeke

  11. suka ba tu tuna bread sama yogurt tu..samala flavour kita tu stella..sadap oooo...
    bulih la ba tu..lepas mkn diet balik la ma...muahahahaha

  12. Baby Yats: Nah ada yg sama febret makanan..hehe..sama pla kita ni Yats..hehehe...
    Nah tu la..kunun mau diet lah ni..nda juga terdiet2.. ada juga siiiiikit ja..ehemm..

  13. keluar sy punya air liur ooo...mcm sadaaap betulll..ko masak sendiri ka??

  14. Nancy Poh: Adididi..ko ni aaa..ko nda baca ka post sya tu..hahaha..sya order d kedai makan baituuuu... :P

  15. hmmm...marvellous nak makan plak macam nie.tetiba lapar datang menyerang.

  16. that tuna cheese looks heavenly. :)

    u want to lose what weight..haha..u look so fine what :) adedeh..

    but i think everybody is trying to lose wieght kn attempt..walk up and down in the stair evry lunch time. fourth floor to basement. fuh..mau pingsan. everyday. thats the only time im moving my b**t haaha

  17. Good luck for your dieting!!
    But, remember to cut down the cheeseee!!!

  18. Si biskut: Mmg marvelous.. Apa lagi.. serbu kedai mkn yg ada resepi ni..Kalau x pun, buat sendiri d rumah..hehehe

  19. NC: Ko belum tau lagi bah..sya punya weight naik melambung tinggi bah.. Plus 4kg ba..sya pun terkejut.. Bnyk org ckp sya x pyh diet..Tp drg x tau perubahan weight sya..hahaha..

    Sama lah kita tu, sya pun naik turun tangga hari2.. Absolutely tht can move b**t bah kan.. hahaha

  20. Meitzeu: Ya, i noticed the cheesee thing..hahaha.. I should cut it down..
    TQ for the tips!..:)
