
19 September 2009

A Smile...

Because a Smile can’t be BOUGHT and SOLD..
A Smile brings HAPPINESS..
A Smile brings warm HEART..
A Smile can changes MOOD..
A Smile brings HOPE..
A Smile brings LOVE..
A Smile is a sign of CARE..
A Smile is a sign of BLESSING..

So, bring joy to someone you CARE.. to someone you LOVE today..
You’ll lose nothing.. You’ll receive joy in the heart.. :)

Blessed Saturday to everyone......... :)

17 September 2009

It's Around The Corner..

Hi dear friends..

Hari Raya is just around the corner.. and I can’t wait for it.. Yes, I can’t wait for raya holiday..hehehe..

So I want to take this opportunity to wish ‘ HAPPY HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI’ to all Muslim throughout the country.. I am so grateful to be born in Malaysia with various races and religions that make us to celebrate many celebrations throughout the year.

For all Muslims friends, I am sure at this moment they are trying as much as possible to prepare for the celebration with new clothes, new house appearance, a lot of cookies and etc.. No matter what type of preparation is that, may all you be enjoyed on this celebration.

And for those non Muslims friends, for sure they got their own plan for the holiday as well as of course will visit some Muslims friends open house, isn’t.. ;)

I am so PROUD that... we in Malaysia celebrate all the celebration together without counting on races, age, skin and religion. That’s what we called the spirit of ‘ ONE MALAYSIA’.

As for me, I don’t have any specific plan yet for the raya holiday but I am sure will got one soon..hehe.. I’m GLAD that holiday will coming soon..yeay!

So, once again.. HAPPY HARI RAYA..and enjoy your holiday.. :)

Have a GREAT week..

14 September 2009


Yes, it’s Monday again.. Another Monday to go through..

How’s your Monday..?

Hope you'll have a great and a pleasant Monday..

Perhaps a good one to remember.. :)

12 September 2009

A Rose..

A Rose to dear readers..
For those who always been here.. for those who willingly to read my post.. and for those who willingly to become my blogger friends..adding me to their bloglist as well as following this blog of mine..
THANKs a lot for visiting my page and I’m really appreciate your thoughts and comments..

Have a blessed weekend everyone..
Enjoy your weekend..

09 September 2009


Today is 090909. So, maybe some of you might have an idea what 090909 is about. Maybe this is your lucky number hehe..

Once in a lifetime..

For those who born on this day, HAVE A BLESSED BIRTHDAY and for those who get married today CONGRATULATIONS..

No matter what event you are in today, hope this date give something special for you to remember..

Have a great day.. :)

08 September 2009

People Changes..

This is some thinking..that I observed from people around.. a normal act in human life..

People changes.. Yes.. it’s about those who think that they’re much more better than others. I was told by mom ever since I was small that don’t changes yourself or put yourself in that arrogant state when you’re already success in what you're doing.. I am grateful to have parents that really give me such a wonderful teaching of life and great impact in life. They always give examples of others (relatives,friends..etc) life about how their bad attitude finally making their life miserable..In the end of the day, they got their own reward..

Yes.. DO you believe this?.. I was told by mom that all good deed will received reward..and all bad deed will received reward too.. But it depends on what sort of reward is that.. And I believe that GOOD deed will receive GOOD reward, and BAD deed will receive BAD reward.. Only GOD can decide what sort of reward would HE give to them.. Can I say that?.. hehehe.. Amen!

People changes because they think now they’re the best than others. As before, I might say their life would be not in that good condition, they’re no different than others. However after received something good in life(promotion, good earning..etc..), now they pretend to be good but at the same time seeking for honour, begin to speak out loud trying to get attention, boasting about their so called great life covered by all that materialistic thought..

I wonder why they should act in this manner. Why they should changes so fast.. What is the BIG deal.. I bet they must be very proud of who they’re now.. A proud feeling is not a really wrong matter at all but if it blended with selfishness and boasting, I think this manner can’t be accepted at all.. We, human being are same level in the eyes of GOD.. and I didn’t surprise at all when some of people out there who really forgot GOD and putting they thinking more to materialistic way and MONEY..

I cannot say that MONEY is not important. Nowadays, financial is very crucial and everyone is chasing for MONEY to get a better life, to transfer their life to a much better state. But we’ll see where the MONEY will get them so far.. Is money really can buy happiness..? I mean a PURE happiness..

Well, yes... I agree that money can give you happiness.. YES..happiness on earth.. But for me, MONEY can give you happiness on earth, GOD can give you PURE Happiness, PURE Love and inner PEACE..

So what are the definition of PURE happiness and PURE Love?..

Some of you might know and had these PURE happiness & PURE Love experiences..
That I leave it up to you... for you to think about.. :)

Be grateful for what you have received today..

Have a pleasant week.. GOD Bless.

07 September 2009

Classic Celebration..

Last Saturday was my Sister birthday celebration. We celebrated it in a classic way at home. Eventhough it was just at home.. it was fun and everybody's happy..I did gave a gift to her and she's very happy to have that perfume I bought. Started at 7pm, as usual prayer for food blessing and the cake before proceed with the 'makan-makan' and photography session..

Everything was fine and I wish that this Sister of mine will have a blessed life and will success in everything she dream for.

GOD bless everyone of us.. Have a great week everyone.. :)

05 September 2009

Latest Obsession..

Yes..thinking of that title.. ‘latest obsession’..What is yours?.. As for me.. lately suddenly I so into this online shopping.. Don’t know why.. Maybe because of that pretty dress I found on the net that really attracted me, besides it would be easier for me to shop during leisure time
without going outside. Just stay at home and let my finger clicking on the mouse..and..
there u go my order sent..haha!
Hey..girls out there..take a look at this..who KNOWS.. maybe you’ll interested.. it’s worth and easy to get.. :) (just click on the picture to know more details..)


On the other hand.. I am preparing myself for my sister’s birthday celebration this evening around 7pm.. She turns 20 on the 3rd September.. We decided to postpone her birthday celebration since it was Thursday and it was my thought too to postpone that celebration to Saturday (today) as everyone would be free and easier to come
to my parents’ house on weekend.
Now I am thinking what gift should I present to her.. Maybe something related with her age or perhaps something to do with religious.. Hmm..will think of it later.. As long as I bring something for her, it would be nice for a birthday GIRL.. hehe..

Ok that’s it for today..
Hope You all have a joyful weekend. GOD bless!

03 September 2009

Sharing is Caring..

Conchita is my Facebook friend.. she baked the cupcakes last night for today's breakfast.. i knew her through FB and we never met before..
As she put on her FB status that she would bake cupcakes..
With not really put my mind on it, i mentioned for a pic..
Then she said, she will do that if she do remember.

And it's unexpected.. She did posted her cupcakes pic particularly to my profile..
and they are only 9 of them (the cupcakes in the pic) with the caption
"Stella,siou got network problm smlm...x dpt upload hehe,ni ari bru tkirim ko ni marble cupcakes...ada 8biji lg,ingat jg sa sma ko kan..(dui ba tapun2)..."

I feel so touched and I really appreciate that...

Eventhough I couldn't put them in my mouth to have a taste, but by just looking at it..
i can feel the yummy things melt in my mouth..WOW..what an imagination i have..hehe..
Maybe I would have it someday.. she said she's not professional enough to market her
cupcakes..still a lot of thing to learn.. :)

Thanks Conchita for sharing with me that lovely cupcakes pic..
Eventhough it's a small matter, it means a lot to me..

It's not just the matter of sharing.. It's the matter of caring..
It's a friendship that grow in it..

It's not about what have you done to others..
It's about the way you make them feel..