
17 September 2009

It's Around The Corner..

Hi dear friends..

Hari Raya is just around the corner.. and I can’t wait for it.. Yes, I can’t wait for raya holiday..hehehe..

So I want to take this opportunity to wish ‘ HAPPY HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI’ to all Muslim throughout the country.. I am so grateful to be born in Malaysia with various races and religions that make us to celebrate many celebrations throughout the year.

For all Muslims friends, I am sure at this moment they are trying as much as possible to prepare for the celebration with new clothes, new house appearance, a lot of cookies and etc.. No matter what type of preparation is that, may all you be enjoyed on this celebration.

And for those non Muslims friends, for sure they got their own plan for the holiday as well as of course will visit some Muslims friends open house, isn’t.. ;)

I am so PROUD that... we in Malaysia celebrate all the celebration together without counting on races, age, skin and religion. That’s what we called the spirit of ‘ ONE MALAYSIA’.

As for me, I don’t have any specific plan yet for the raya holiday but I am sure will got one soon..hehe.. I’m GLAD that holiday will coming soon..yeay!

So, once again.. HAPPY HARI RAYA..and enjoy your holiday.. :)

Have a GREAT week..


  1. slmt hari raya to all of us kn,, hehe..yayy..lets enjoy the raya holiday :)

  2. I will celebrating Raya at know where is it? the place for retreat..anyway, happy raya

  3. hi nc..yeay! slmt hr raya.. yg penting enjoy!.....hehehe

  4. Hi Alv,

    Slmt hr raya.. Wahh that's nice of you spending the holiday at the retreat centre. Yes, i know that place..been there on last April. I did posted it here with the titled 'Weekend at Tambunan'. You can find the post in "My Faith" categories.

    Have a great day. Hope u'll have a BLESSED holiday.. :)
